nadrino / SimpleModManager

SimpleModManager is an homebrew app for the Nintendo Switch
GNU General Public License v3.0
326 stars 12 forks source link

[SUGGESTION] Activate mods faster #42

Open Kp3po opened 1 year ago

Kp3po commented 1 year ago

The copy paste method is slow. Isnt it possible that the manager just renames the folder inside the title id? We as a user can set up the entire folder structure and the manager "enables" the mod just by renaming the folder from "MODNAME-romfs" to "romfs".

fizzyplanet commented 1 year ago

I'd like to second this. Obviously I don't know what goes into making a program like this, so maybe it's more complicated than I think, but "scrambling" the folder name by doing the simplest possible character addition to make it unreadable would save a lot of time. Not only this, but it would mean mods one wants to toggle on and off regularly don't need to take up extra space in the mods folder.

nadrino commented 1 year ago

Scrambling the folder name is an option and to my knowlegde of the Switch OS, renaming a folder with one or multiple letters don't change the time of effectively moving the files.

Also one thing to have in mind is the space cap on which layeredfs could run. I know for example that Zelda totk uses a lot of RAM, not leaving much for the mods to loads. This means that the technique of renaming of the romfs folder could still make files loaded even if it is not used by the game.

Finally, it's true it's been a couple of times some of you have asked to make the mods movable instead of cloning then. The issue here is the handling of the conflicts and how to treat the cases when the files were modified in the romfs folder.

fizzyplanet commented 1 year ago

That all makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!