naelstrof / KoboldKare

A public repo for the game KoboldKare
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Suggestion: HSL/V fruit to change Kobold Kolor #116

Open GeminiSquishGames opened 1 year ago

GeminiSquishGames commented 1 year ago

I'll put together my proposal here as if I'm going to work on it but if anyone else is making something official that would be swell to know. I've got several years or so of Unity experience and a couple of decades of Blender experience, so I think I can probably do the things. But I can handle criticism, so I'll show you what I know and you can tell me if you think I'm getting better on the Unity and Blender. I'll leave the front unlocked...

Addition: fruit and juice that changes the Kobold's color. I suggest berries but could be anything.

There are a lot of things I haven't really learned about in source yet but I'll be looking at that today if I don't end up just playing the game all day. I'm amazed by this project and am super chuffed it's open source, so I will fiddle with this concept myself this weekend. It's like Wobbledogs but sexy-cute rather than disturbing-cute... I suppose that's subjective to some.

I have so many ideas but this one seemed to be one of the more accessible and more fun if it doesn't break buying eggs and kobolds, which is the only way to get more color other than changing your player Kobold in the settings.

Godeken commented 1 year ago

One fruit but different colors would work... i can do the code and liquids stuff for it. Just wait for Naelstrof - if he says yes, then ill add it for us. 1 type of fruit with different colors like berries would work ( since in ancient times, different berries were used as dyes and paints )

GeminiSquishGames commented 1 year ago

I thought about having RGB berries for sure. It would be randomly generated. The player would have to wait for a specific berry to grow or mix the seeds to do that, it's just that RGB or light mixing doesn't translate as well into Pigment mixing, and there's a step to convert the mechanic from RGB to HSL of the material shader. But if you think it's something that you are already working on, should I also work on my idea or do you already have enough chefs in the kitchen?

PS: Other than Unity, I can also contribute to modeling in Blender and sound design/music if there's something anyone needs in particular.

naelstrof commented 1 year ago

This is a neat idea, and uses the reagent system well.

I really like the idea of pigment mixing. I'm imagining a machine that would spray paint kobolds (permanently changing their color) based on the color of the reagent inserted. Then instead of colors being derived from RGB paint, players would make nasty concoctions that happen to have the color they want.

This would need some extra reagents and extra reagent colors though. Hopefully mechanically interesting ones!

GeminiSquishGames commented 1 year ago

A machine would certainly make the application and reagent mixing logic better. I understand and agree with the point of having just one fruit and along the same lines of minimalistic mechanics and reusing what you already have, was thinking the grinder/blender would be fine with just one fruit as I'm thinking @Godeken has in mind, but also if you have the overhead, which is a bit more limited in Unity than more optimized engines/frameworks when also having future content and modding in mind, the variety would be nice also. Maybe wait for a reagent improvement/overhaul as we kinda touched on in the tanks/barrel ideas.