naev / naev-artwork

Naev's artwork repository
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Make (part of) naev/dat/gfx reliably reproducably from the repo #11

Open ids1024 opened 4 years ago

ids1024 commented 4 years ago

Ideally, all of the files in naev/dat/gfx would have .sxg, .xcf, .blend, etc files in this repo, and the entire folder could be regenerated from this.

I'm not sure if all of the graphics even have/had such sources, and some may not exist. But at least for things like ships, we want this to be the case. is a prominent issue limiting this. Also, the sprite generation takes a while, which would be improved if Naev can switch to using 3D models.

As part of this, CI build for naev-artwork could be helpful.

ids1024 commented 4 years ago

So, here's what I would like:

BTAxis commented 4 years ago

I do have the "sources" for the planets and suns that I did, but they're in psd format. I'm not sure how useful that's going to be.

ids1024 commented 4 years ago

@BTAxis My inclination is definitely to add those files to the repo. They may prove useful in one way or another.

I can see what Gimp's psd importer thinks of those files...

BTAxis commented 4 years ago

For the most part the files contain rasterized graphics with maybe an extra layer or effect thrown in to get to what we use in the game. There's not too much left to render there. The images are, however, generally higher resolution than what's in the game, so there's that.

What would be an appropriate path for this?

ids1024 commented 4 years ago

The images are, however, generally higher resolution than what's in the game, so there's that.

I suppose another point I didn't include in my list: if we can generate all the artwork, we can generate it at a higher resolution. The game might look quite a bit nicer on a hiDPI display if it didn't have to scale graphics up from a lower resolution.

So ideally, I would have two versions of the artwork available, a normal resolution version and a hiDPI version.

What would be an appropriate path for this?

I think the paths should probably mirror those in dat/gfx. Though that's not really the case now in a lot of cases.

The files can always be moved. Just make sure you have git-lfs installed.

BTAxis commented 4 years ago

Okay, I put all my relevant stuff up there.

ids1024 commented 4 years ago

Some progress: