nagadomi / waifu2x

Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
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[Question] CUDA Compute Capability Requirement. #172

Open Kardzhilov opened 7 years ago

Kardzhilov commented 7 years ago

I was looking into this but all my devices run on AMD graphics cards so i was wondering what compute capability is required for this to run. Looking at this list i can get something like a GTX 610 pretty cheap but its only Compute Capability 2.1. This technology is pretty amazing and id love to get my hands on it, thanks on any feedback in advance c:

nagadomi commented 7 years ago

That depends on torch/cutorch. I guess it will work with Compute Capability 2.1. (I have not tested it) If you want to use cuDNN (which is faster than the default CUDA backend), Compute Capability 3.0 or later is required. I recommend recent GPU models.

slayerduck commented 7 years ago

Heya, not sure if you're interested but i tested waifu2x with several videocards. I don't have the testing data with me anymore right now but it roughly comes down to me doing a 2x with medium noise reduction and the results were about

Geforce GTX 680: 5 seconds Geforce GTX 780 4 seconds Geforce GTX 980 3.2 seconds

I run on the GTX 780, and upgraded my own desktop PC with the 980 ;p This was about a year ago though.