nagadomi / waifu2x

Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
MIT License
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Different Upscaling Rates #275

Open TheDeadCode opened 5 years ago

TheDeadCode commented 5 years ago


I've noticed waifu2x-caffe supports an arbitrary upscaling rate.

Will it ever be possible to do such thing with waifu2x?

If I need to re-train some models, this is not an issue and I will be happy to provide them as open source in the repo.

Please let me know! Thank you

nagadomi commented 5 years ago

Arbitrary upscaling rate of waifu2x-caffe is implemented by downscaling the image after upscaling. For example, in the case of 256px->600px.

  1. 2x upscaling 256->512
  2. 2x upscaling 512->1024 (no denoising)
  3. downscaling 1024->600 (cv2.INTER_CUBIC or cv2.INTER_AREA)
TheDeadCode commented 5 years ago

Oh I see. Will there by any support to do a straight jump from, for example, 200px to 600px (3x) in the future ?

Since now, the only supported upscale factor is 2x

nagadomi commented 5 years ago

I don't have those plans at the moment.