nagadomi / waifu2x

Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
MIT License
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Will the image size of the training resource affect the training result? #374

Open CarbonPool opened 3 years ago

CarbonPool commented 3 years ago

I noticed that my largest image size is 4096x2621. When the model training is completed, the model file is several hundred MB, but the default pre-trained model cunet model file is only about 20MB, because I don’t understand these contents, I just guess the larger the size will help Image enlargement retains clearer content, but also produces a larger segmentation training time.

nagadomi commented 3 years ago

Torch's model has some temporary buffers. Most of them are removed by clearState() when saving the model, but some remains. These do not affect the scaling/denoising result. The default pretrained models has been rebuild by tools/cudnn2cunn.lua. At that time, all unnecessary buffers are removed, so the size is small.