nagadomi / waifu2x

Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
MIT License
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I want to use the version before the update #433

Open doxhe010 opened 1 year ago

doxhe010 commented 1 year ago

After the update, the image is severely broken. Although it went through the same process with the same image, the difference in image quality is severe. I want the version before the most recent update. please.

nagadomi commented 1 year ago

For site), I will not revert to the previous version. If there is a problem, I will fix it, so please post the specific problem.

Basically, I have tried to make it work the same as the previous version. However, the handling of image formats is different from the previous version. There may be problems with rare conditions such as alpha channel, palette images, icc profiles, etc.

doxhe010 commented 1 year ago

All the elements in the two pictures are the same. However, this is the difference between before and after the update. After going through the same process, why does this problem occur? The performance is better before the update. Picsart_22-12-13_14-15-50-285

nagadomi commented 1 year ago

I have fixed one compatibility issue. However, it changes only +- 1 pixel value. You seem to be applying the scale repeatedly to the same image but waifu2x does not support that usage.