Learning good internal representations with both source and target domain data
The reliance on target domain information can be problematic, as the data may be expensive or difficult to obtain
Learning exclusively on the source domain using deep RL appraoch
Poor domain adaptation performance
DARLA tackle both issues by focusing on learning underlying low-dimensional factorised representation of the world
Demonstrate how disentangled representations can improve the robustness of RL algorithms in domain adaptation scenarios
The theoretical utility of disentangled representations for reinforcement learning has been described before, but it has not been empirically validated
RL algorithms
Model-Free Episodic Control
Comparison with previous researches. What are the novelties/good points?
Key points
Consists of a three stage pipeline
learning to see
learning to act
replaces the reconstruction loss in the VAE objective as follows
J is a denoising autoencoder
"the disentangled model used for DARLA was trained with a β hyperparameter value of 1"
"Note that by replacing the pixel based reconstruction loss in Eq. 1 with high-level feature recon- struction loss in Eq. 2 we are no longer optimising the vari- ational lower bound, and β-VAEDAE with β = 1 loses its equivalence to the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) frame- work as proposed by (Kingma & Welling, 2014; Rezende et al., 2014)."
How the author proved effectiveness of the proposal?
DeepMind Lab
Jaco robotic arm (including sim2real set-up: Mujoco simulation is the source domain and the real robotic arm is the target domain)
DARLA: Improving Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning
What is this
Comparison with previous researches. What are the novelties/good points?
Key points
Consists of a three stage pipeline
replaces the reconstruction loss in the VAE objective as follows
"the disentangled model used for DARLA was trained with a β hyperparameter value of 1"
How the author proved effectiveness of the proposal?
Any discussions?
What should I read next?