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codeforces-1208D Restore Permutation | Nagato's blog #16

Open nagato1208 opened 5 years ago

nagato1208 commented 5 years ago

描述对于[1, n]闭区间的所有整数的某个permutation permutation, 我们有数组nums. 定义nums的每个元素nums[i]表示在permutation的下标i之前的比permutation[i]小的所有数的和.例如如果nums是0 0 0, 那么permutation是[3,2,1]. 因为对于每个数, 没有在它之前的比它小的数. 如果nums是0 1 1 1 10,

nagato1208 commented 5 years ago


nagato1208 commented 5 years ago

PyPy is much more effective than Python. This solution gets a TLE with Python while gets accepted with PyPy.