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How to connect metamask with Remix ide and deploy smart contract from remix ? #2

Open nageetaw opened 2 years ago

nageetaw commented 2 years ago

To connect metamask with Remix ide, Open remix id and select deploy and run option. image

Now select Injected web 3 environment image

After selecting, You will see a popup for a confirmation message to connect remix with Metamask. Accept it and select an account in which you have some ethers. Here i am selecting an imported account from ganache, if you don't know how to import account in metamask from ganache then follow this image

Now select any contract from remix and compile it. To select contract image

To compile image

Now click deploy image

After clicking deploy you will see a popup like this, Select confirm image

You can confrim success deploy from here image

Now if you goto metamask, you can also confirm from account activity section image