nager / Nager.Date

Worldwide holidays (REST API), NuGet or docker container :earth_americas:
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Missing public holidays for China #606

Open monavarro opened 3 months ago

monavarro commented 3 months ago

Affected country


Affected public holiday

Chinese New Year, Qingming Festival, Labor day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National day

Source of the information

More information

In China, numerous holidays span multiple days, such as this year's Chinese New Year, observed from February 10 to February 17. Unfortunately, the API currently represents these extended celebrations with only a single day entry, like 10.02 for Chinese New Year. Consequently, a significant number of holidays in China are not reflected in the data.

tinohager commented 3 months ago

Our source: How do the different lengths of time for the holidays come about, is there a set of rules?

monavarro commented 3 months ago


Typically, the government announces the official definition before the end of the previous year. Last year, this announcement occurred on October 25th, 2023.

The Wikipedia information is correct, but there has been a change since 2014. This change allows for longer holidays, as shown in the weekend shifting scheme on the Wikipedia page you shared. For example, while the Chinese New Year is officially 3 days, the break spans from February 10th to 17th, providing a total of 8 days. To make up for two working days within this period, individuals might need to work on Saturdays or Sundays. This year, they worked on Sunday, February 4th, and Sunday, February 18th.

In this page you have the whole list of the official holidays, the adjusted rest days, and the working days on the weekend.

Here you can see the official announcement of the holidays: (is in Chinese, but you can translate it with a browser extension)