nager / Nager.Date

Worldwide holidays (REST API), NuGet or docker container :earth_americas:
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India - missing bank holiday #650

Open kyle-at-xe opened 1 month ago

kyle-at-xe commented 1 month ago

Affected country


Affected public holiday

Buddha Pournima

Source of the information

More information

Some banks provide an API with their holiday schedule. Reserve Bank of India's new site appears to be one of them.

tinohager commented 1 month ago

Is their issue just about the one holiday? “Buddha Pournima”

kyle-at-xe commented 1 month ago

I only know about this one holiday. I would assume there may be others. I am not sure how Nager.Date integrates other sources like these: Does it cache results from yet-more-holiday-sources? Are the holidays directly added to a data file?

I have more like this, if you are interested. But let's start simple.