I suggest browserify (commonjs, not AMD or ES6 modules), which is used by react. Ideally I would use ES6 modules but I don;t think it's worth it quite yet.
JSX needs transpiling into Javascript also.
For development it's possible to run the transpiler in the browser.
We may as well do this properly as it should be structured from the start, lest it become a nightmare to manage.
We may as well do this properly as it should be structured from the start, lest it become a nightmare to manage.
I think we need a build step for our JS assets. Ideally something that looks for changes and recompiles -- be it gulp (which I know @jimjibone likes) grunt, custom or vanilla browserify + react transpiler. http://christianalfoni.github.io/javascript/2014/08/15/react-js-workflow.html gives a good rundown.
@jimjibone, up for this?
We could have a (commonjs) module per logical react component, such as player, browser, whatever.