naggie / dstask

Git powered terminal-based todo/note manager -- markdown note page per task. Single binary!
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Feature: globbing in context #144

Closed psprint closed 2 years ago

psprint commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm using tags like "inter" and "inter_me" to mark that a feature of a project is interesting or mostly interesting for me. I would then want to show a list of tags that's just "interesting", regardless if it's "normal" or "private" (ie. for me only) interest. How could I do this?

I thought about supporting a glob star, ie. to make dstask +inter* work. Could such feature be added?

naggie commented 3 years ago

I suggest you use 2 separate tags, +inter and +me -- globbing on tags is not something I want to support.


cgardner commented 3 years ago

Alternatively, you can use jq to filter the results however you want.

dstask | jq -r '.[] | select(.tags[] | contains("inter")) | "\(.id)\t\(.summary)"'