naggie / dstask

Git powered terminal-based todo/note manager -- markdown note page per task. Single binary!
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Cannot view tasks once they are resolved #161

Open kingo55 opened 2 years ago

kingo55 commented 2 years ago

Related to #18 - I often keep a lot of notes in the markdown section for each task, however once it is marked as completed, I don't have an easy way to open a task's notes back up.

Current experience

  1. I grep through resolved tasks to find the filename and open it.
  2. Once opened, the task notes could be YAML-encoded, so I can't read them without decoding them separately

This makes for a painful experience - one that could be easy to solve, and a useful feature for others.

Dieterbe commented 2 years ago

I'm also thinking about how to handle notes that have a lifetime (or scope) beyond the lifetime/scope of a task. The alternative solution to consider for such cases would be to have a separate notes system (e.g. vimwiki) and them somehow embed tasks within those, but then of course the question becomes how do we integrate that in/with dstask.

kingo55 commented 2 years ago

I was also thinking tasks could be full markdown files - YAML up top and markdown for the rest (the notes section). It follows the well-trodden path of static site generators (could use something like docsify to search/browse tasks and notes) however it would mean a file format change in dstask. That could get messy.

Referencing old tasks/notes via the CLI with part of the UUID would be fantastic though.

Dieterbe commented 2 years ago

I was also thinking tasks could be full markdown files - YAML up top and markdown for the rest (the notes section). It follows the well-trodden path of static site generators (could use something like docsify to search/browse tasks and notes) however it would mean a file format change in dstask. That could get messy.

this sounds like a slightly different implementation, but not fundamentally different where it has a real impact.