Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
Seems even worse to me - no secrets except the "top secrets" are displayed.
Coincidentally I was looking for facetime secrets when I noticed it was not
Original comment by
on 7 Dec 2014 at 1:33
I'd like to add a note that selecting FaceTime from the list along the left of
the preference pane's window, not only doesn't work but Secrets basically goes
insane, and normal behavior can only be restored by quitting and re-opening
System Preferences (going back to the main System Preferences window and then
re-opening the Secrets pane does not work).
If System Preferences is not re-opened (but the preference pane/app doesn't
crash, which it most often does), selecting other applications from the list
will not show the "secrets" for that application, and the right-side of the
window will remain blank.
If just the Secrets preference pane is closed, returning to the main System
Preferences window, and then Secrets is re-opened, Secrets will re-open to the
list of "secrets" for the last application selected in the list (instead of
returning to "Top Secrets" by default) which, if the last application selected
was FaceTime, doesn't solve the problem.
This behavior has existed with developer builds and public beta pre-releases of
Yosemite, OS X 10.10 final, 10.10.1, and developer pre-release builds of
10.10.2 (every build released to developers as of the date of this comment). I
don't remember this problem occurring under Mavericks 10.9.x, but I can't
confirm that this problem is restricted to 10.10.x only.
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2014 at 6:09
Original issue reported on by
on 22 Oct 2014 at 11:53