I was able to find the following explanation for the options but what is -g? I didn't see this from --help. Thanks.
se : use single end mode
-f this is the input fastq file
-t sanger : the quality encoding
-o the output file
-q 30 : the quality value to use. Bases below this will be trimmed, using a sliding window
-l 15 : the minimum length allowed after trimming. Here we remove reads with less than 15bp
I was able to find the following explanation for the options but what is -g? I didn't see this from --help. Thanks.
se : use single end mode -f this is the input fastq file -t sanger : the quality encoding -o the output file -q 30 : the quality value to use. Bases below this will be trimmed, using a sliding window -l 15 : the minimum length allowed after trimming. Here we remove reads with less than 15bp
Update - I think it means to gzip the file.