nakhonthai / ESP32APRS_T-TWR

APRS Software project device support LILYGO T-TWR Plus.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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APRS message in the DashBoard may exceed width of the "LAST HEARD" WebUI frame #3

Closed lyusupov closed 8 months ago

lyusupov commented 8 months ago

Expected behavior

It is expected that the frame width should stay within the style defined boundaries regardless the actual length of the APRS message

nakhonthai commented 8 months ago

Error in APRS packet not path or last path fail.

lyusupov commented 8 months ago

Error in APRS packet not path or last path fail.

Not necessarily.

The same source produces the APRS packets that give NO error :


The effect is sporadic - most packets received do not cause the ESP32APRS WebUI glitch, but some does. I would estimate 80% PASS and 20% FAIL ratio.

Another argument: the same source do not cause any issues with other APRS iGates, such as Dire Wolf

Anyway, the reason for opening this issue is: regardless of the data received - the ESP32APRS WebUI is expected to maintain the constant HTML frames width.

nakhonthai commented 8 months ago

AC7574>OGFLR:/065718h56 <<- The package has no path.

Function handle_lastHeard() in webservice.cpp not protection code.

int start_info = line.indexOf(":", 0); 
int end_ssid = line.indexOf(",", 0);
int start_dst = line.indexOf(">", 2);
int start_dstssid = line.indexOf("-", start_dst);
String path = line.substring(end_ssid + 1, start_info);
lyusupov commented 8 months ago

The package has no path.

What is wrong with an APRS message having no PATH ?

Moreover, the APRS-IS server that handles the OGFLR destination is expecting that a receiver (OGN project software or a generic APRS iGate) can process no-PATH messages:

Read this excerpt for details:

nakhonthai commented 8 months ago

The protocol is not wrong. But my code made a mistake in not protecting this part. Resulting in incorrect display. I fixed it in version 0.2a You can test update by OTA. SETTING->SYSTEM->ABOUT->OTA Update

lyusupov commented 8 months ago

I fixed it in version 0.2a

Thank you!

V0.2 does not seem to have the "OTA Update" button that would download & install V0.2a from your site automatically. I can see no V0.2a .bin file in Releases area that I could download and install manually (with esptool or "Firmware Update" button).

nakhonthai commented 8 months ago

You can download direct from my server at or OTA from device.

lyusupov commented 8 months ago


Thanks' for the tip! The OTA firmware update went smooth.

I can confirm positive effect of this commit


I no longer see an artifact specified in the issue description. Thank you for the fix!