nakhonthai / ESP32IGate

ESP32IGate is a APRS Internet Gateway + TNC Built In that is implemented for Espressif ESP32 processor.
GNU General Public License v3.0
110 stars 22 forks source link

Feature Request: transmit an emergency beacon #17

Open nicolassolop opened 5 months ago

nicolassolop commented 5 months ago

Hello, let me tell you that I think your project is great and very useful.

With a group of friends we go out to the mountains frequently and it would be ideal to be able to carry an APRS tracker.

Something important for us would be to have the possibility of transmitting an emergency beacon in case of having a problem.

We thought it would be an option to be able to press a button for a few seconds and have this trigger an emergency beacon.

What do you think about the idea?

nakhonthai commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the advice. I already have this idea. It is sending urgent information for emergencies. or notify various statuses in real time.

nicolassolop commented 5 months ago

Yes, that would be very usefull for a lot of people. Would be great to have this in future releases