nakkaya / vision

OpenCV wrapper for Clojure
132 stars 17 forks source link

UnsatisfiedLinkError OpenCV 2.4.11 #11

Open drakezhard opened 8 years ago

drakezhard commented 8 years ago

I tried different ways to specify the path, but all seem to fail. I've never used jna to interface with a native library, I got the jar working with the OpenCV clojure tutorial but I don't understand the config options for your vision library.

(defproject face-detect "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
                           [vision  "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :jvm-opts ["-Djna.library.path=C:\\Users\\drakezhard\\Development\\lib\\opencv2\\build\\java\\x64\\opencv_java2411.dll -jar C:\\Users\\drakezhard\\Development\\lib\\opencv2\\build\\java\\opencv-2411.jar"])