nalexn / clean-architecture-swiftui

SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
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Question regarding Value: Decodable and Closures #84

Closed fredagsfys closed 1 year ago

fredagsfys commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I'm new to iOS development in general but especially Combine/SwiftUI. I've followed your clean architecture and tried to extend it a bit by introducing credentials manager and injecting a token in the WebRepository call.

However, what puzzles me is that if I wrap following code below into a closure I get Generic parameter 'Value' could not be inferred.

  .dataTaskPublisher(for: request)
  .requestJSON(httpCodes: httpCodes)

Could you please advise on how to get this solved? This is the whole picture of the function.

func call<Value>(endpoint: APICall, httpCodes: HTTPCodes = .success) -> AnyPublisher<Value, Error>
    where Value: Decodable
    do {
        var request = try endpoint.urlRequest(baseURL: baseURL)

            .map { (credentials: Credentials) in
                let token = credentials.accessToken
                request.setValue("Bearer \(token)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
            .map { (_ publisher: AnyPublisher<Value, Error>) in
                    .dataTaskPublisher(for: request) // Generic parameter 'Value' could not be inferred
                    .requestJSON(httpCodes: httpCodes)

    } catch {
        return Fail<Value, Error>(error: error).eraseToAnyPublisher()