nalmadi / EMIP-Toolkit

EMIP Toolkit (EMTK): A Python Library for Processing Eye Movement in Programming Data
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Merge draw_trial implementations into one simple function #6

Open nalmadi opened 3 years ago

nalmadi commented 3 years ago

Since multiple classes are being merged into one, the implementation of the draw_trial should not make assumptions about the specific trial it is drawing. Initially we wanted to create a unified visualization style, but that might not work for every trial since variations in background colors and style are possible. Instead, we want the draw_trial method to allow the user to customize the visualization with various color and style options.

jhimel22 commented 2 years ago

def draw_trial(self, image_path, draw_raw_data=False, draw_fixation=True, draw_saccade=False, draw_number=False, draw_aoi=None, save_image=None, color = 'black',pbgc = None): """Draws the trial image and raw-data/fixations over the image circle size indicates fixation duration

    image_path : str
        path for trial image file.
    color: python color value
        Allows user to customize image background color; defaulted to black

    pbgc(preferred bg color): python color value:

        allows trial drwing to be set to custom bg color, defaulted to scanned 2nd pixel if still none on function call
    draw_raw_data : bool, optional
        whether user wants raw data drawn.

    draw_fixation : bool, optional
        whether user wants filtered fixations drawn

    draw_saccade : bool, optional
        whether user wants saccades drawn

    draw_number : bool, optional
        whether user wants to draw eye movement number

    draw_aoi : pandas.DataFrame, optional
        Area of Interests

    save_image : str, optional
        path to save the image, image is saved to this path if it parameter exists

    im = + self.image)

    if self.eye_tracker == "EyeLink1000":

        background_size = (1024, 768)
        background ='RGB', background_size, color= color)

        *_, width, _ = im.getbbox()
        # offset = int((1024 - width) / 2) - 10
        trial_location = (10, 375)

        background.paste(im, trial_location, im.convert('RGBA'))

        im = background.copy()

    if pbgc == None:
        bg_color = find_background_color(im.copy().convert('1'))
        bg_color = pbgc
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGBA')

    if draw_aoi and isinstance(draw_aoi, bool):
        aoi = find_aoi(image=self.image, img=im)
        self.__draw_aoi(draw, aoi, bg_color)

    if isinstance(draw_aoi, pd.DataFrame):
        self.__draw_aoi(draw, draw_aoi, bg_color)

    if draw_raw_data:

    if draw_fixation:
        self.__draw_fixation(draw, draw_number)

    if draw_saccade:
        self.__draw_saccade(draw, draw_number)

    plt.figure(figsize=(17, 15))
    plt.imshow(np.asarray(im), interpolation='nearest')

    if save_image is not None:
        # Save the image with applied offset

        image_name = save_image + \
                     str(self.participant_id) + \
                     "-t" + \
                     str(self.trial_id) + \
                     "-offsetx" + \
                     str(self.get_offset()[0]) + \
                     "y" + \
                     str(self.get_offset()[1]) + \


        print(image_name, "saved!")
nalmadi commented 2 years ago

Thanks @jhimel22 You should create a pull request for this, if possible.