nalmadi / fix8

Fix8 (Fixate) is an Open-Source GUI Tool for Working with Eye Tracking Data in Reading Tasks.
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Add temporal cut-off method from Eskenazi et al. (2023) #87

Closed AgLyx3 closed 6 months ago

AgLyx3 commented 6 months ago

Eskenazi, Michael A. "Best practices for cleaning eye movement data in reading research." Behavior Research Methods (2023): 1-11.

The temporal cut-off method is used to eliminate fixations that are not based on lexical processing. It takes a minimum of 80 ms for visual information transduced in the eye to travel through the optic nerve to visual processing areas of the brain responsible for processing words (Rayner et al., 2012). Thus, a fixation that lasts less than 80 ms is unlikely to reflect lexical processing and should not be included in analyses designed to draw conclusions about lexical processing. However, when short fixations are central to the research question, some researchers choose to retain them in the data set (Schotter & Leinenger, 2016). On the upper end, there is less clear evidence about what constitutes a fixation duration that goes beyond typical lexical processing. The average gaze duration is around 250 ms with a distribution that has a long positive skew (Rayner et al., 2012). The data in the long tail on the right end of the distribution has many possible cut-off points, and researchers determine where to draw the line, usually somewhere between 800 and 1200 ms.