nalt / wsg50-ros-pkg

ROS package for Schunk WSG-50 gripper with high-rate feedback, closed-loop control, up to two FMF finger. Based on
11 stars 41 forks source link

Status msg not readable by python rosBag interface #10

Open peteflorence opened 5 years ago

peteflorence commented 5 years ago

In case this saves someone hours of their life:


If you try to read a bag containing messages from this repo with the rospy rosBag interface, it will barf that it can't read a non-ASCII character.

Potentially hours later, you will either find this issue, or maybe you will find the culprit on your own.


The culprit is the little # m/s^2 comment in the Status.msg file. It is a special super-scripted character which is non-ASCII. Just remove that comment, or write it with a caret (^, which is ASCII) rather than super-scripted text.

I'd be happy to PR a simple fix for this but not sure this repo is actively maintained?
