ROS package for Schunk WSG-50 gripper with high-rate feedback, closed-loop control, up to two FMF finger. Based on
I'm getting the following compile error when running catkin_make with ROS kinetic (ubuntu 16.04)
/home/febert/Documents/catkin_ws/src/wsg50-ros-pkg/wsg_50_driver/src/main.cpp: In function ‘void timer_cb(const ros::TimerEvent&)’:
/home/febert/Documents/catkin_ws/src/wsg50-ros-pkg/wsg_50_driver/src/main.cpp:280:29: error: ‘isnan’ was not declared in this scope
if (!isnan(g_goal_position)) {
I tried adding a c++ 11 option but this didn't help.
I'm getting the following compile error when running catkin_make with ROS kinetic (ubuntu 16.04)
I tried adding a c++ 11 option but this didn't help.