namazso / OpenHashTab

đź“ť File hashing and checking shell extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Improvements to Exported hashes? #32

Closed Darthagnon closed 4 years ago

Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

HashCheck (2016) has a Save... button that serves the same purpose as Export...; it implements the export marginally better, in my opinion (however, its development has ceased, and it isn't quite as pretty as OpenHashTab).

HashCheck displays a Save as... dialog, with a Save as type... dropdown, listing the available hash types with extensions as follows:

CRC32 (*.sfv)
MD5 (*.md5)
SHA-1 (*.sha1)
SHA-256 (*.sha256)
SHA-512 (*.sha512)
SHA3-256 (*.sha3-256)
SHA3-512 (*.sha3-512)

OpenHashTab currently (unless I've done something horribly wrong with my configuration) has a similar Save as... dialog, but with no options in the dropdown, requiring manual extension typing. Would it please be possible to implement a list of currently selected (in OpenHashTab settings) hash-types in a similar way to HashCheck in the Save as type... dropdown?

Perhaps worth noting is that checksum (2015) attempted to create a standard filename.hash format for mixed hashes which I would love to see more widely used e.g.

All selected hash formats (*.hash)

Something else that I thought worth mentioning, that I'd sure appreciate, would be a starting comment to (non-clipboard?) exports with

; OpenHashTab vX.XX on [date] at [time]
[actual hash data here]

... similar to how QuickSFV and checksum start their hash files.

Here's an example SFV with a comment generated by QuickSFV (my goto standard for SFVs, due to its popularity within the torrenting community):

File: igorware-hasher-x64_v1.7.3.rar

Filename: igorware-hasher-x64_v1.7.3.SFV

; Generated by QuickSFV v2.36 on 2020-11-09 at 21:56:22
;       121823  18:46.40 2020-11-09 igorware-hasher-x64_v1.7.3.rar
igorware-hasher-x64_v1.7.3.rar FFBFB060

Example checksum software hash (NB has mixed hashes, multiple types for the same file, but uses undesirable non-standard # as comment markers, rather than standard ;):

# made with checksum.. point-and-click hashing for windows (64-bit edition).
# from
# Program version x64
72e1cac7bd2dfd4ce3cf862920350bfa *
86d8db98f96b5c8e196594667b9d324e066f4215 *
Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

My bad; this issue is almost a duplicate of #30

namazso commented 4 years ago

Funny, .hash format was already accidentally supported in the format you written, the only problem was that that program adds an UTF8 BOM at the begin of the file. After removing that it works. Anyways, I added code to skip BOM.

I'm not sure how you can get that software make two different algorithms for the same file, the site doesn't hint of such feature either. Also, # is the standard comment in sumfiles, that's why OpenHashTab supports it already. ; is only in SFVs

Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure how you can get that software make two different algorithms for the same file, the site doesn't hint of such feature either.

On the checksum homepage, if you search for the section "Introducing.. The Unified Hash Extension™ And Multi-Hashing™..", it mentions the ability to store multiple hash types inside one file:

As well as being able to verify MD5, SHA1 and BLAKE2 hashes, even mixed up in the same file, checksum can also create such a file, if you so desire. At any rate, if you start using BLAKE2 or SHA1 hashes some day, you can keep your old MD5 hashes handy, inside your .hash files..

The single, unified hash extension gives us not only the freedom to effortlessly upgrade algorithms at any time, without having to handle yet-another-file-type, but also the ability to easily store output from multiple hashing algorithms inside a single .hash file. Welcome to multi-hashing, which will doubtless have security benefits, to boot (a multi-hash is simply collision-proof).

Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the fix! I didn't realise that ; was only for SFVs!

namazso commented 4 years ago

Welcome to multi-hashing, which will doubtless have security benefits, to boot (a multi-hash is simply collision-proof).

I missed this, my bad. Assumed the .hash can just contain multiple aglos in general, so that file1 is hashed with md5 and file2 with sha1. OpenHashTab currently only supports this form, I'll see what I can do for that.

Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

If I remember correctly from using checksum, multihashing calculated multiple hashes for each file. More of a future-proofing thing, or if the user wants multi hashes (e.g. I like to save MD5 or SHA 256 for full checks, and CRC32 for visual checks, just to identify if file is the same or not) or maybe could be used for speed enhancements (e.g. check CRC32 quickly first to give initial "OK", then check more complex hashes if the user is willing to wait longer).

probably not too useful, though, for most people... one hash is enough normally

namazso commented 4 years ago

With the latest commit I think I added about everything listed here.

Since the .hash format is practically undocumented I only assumed some things (like hash identifiers), and omitted the date (replaced with checksum generated result of unix epoch) since there's absolutely no docs on what time (local? global?) and what format that is in. So this is how a generated .hash looks now:

# Generated by OpenHashTab 2a2a957f28d5e7db9ae4cf721d2d44bf9ce94361 at 2020-11-28T19:33:05Z
3097f327 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
aeb41a75e23244a07038b3c83b3deccc *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
bf7a60d566f8049b65f78ee70499dbce *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
305b2ddc577e6edc162ac95c77ca6057 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
8d917d0b01b18091e63007444eab38256ada7bc3 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
2c4cb4a3bd283307609ac9a4278d698fddc3ec7c *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
0a70ce12b003ef819f64e57b3392d8eab16ee2f9728bdb663d683e28 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
8ac681926df55ad9b81ea38bbaf4665351b92c89187896c7aec561528687fad3 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
150a56d321ac193e5e454612f57057238993c3a739fc5644e1f521750abc9504efa60578bcf64a8387d8d6a3b924c7f7 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
00996e2fef6ab5630e9ad9a9e6a2459db6c7c160d57cb05ea1f09d7719b854b0d1e86491d342ab2728544f9a19949d7079a2e998cc192f780261f8ad15b4fbe5 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
c5d3473ca9206d2361b0eb460ccf3b7c24bb709afa094a25d9550c4e56398f66 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
431124e74bc1cad02667124936a4af23cbece987335def756d255b4b5b3e1200 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
59ddb9b107c55ab9cbebb775a9127e10495ea7350d827668899cf9450d29f9060f214648a5d8da2aa88d3771b8bd33fe *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
144e8c035804cf69f91e35e2b3265f179cd90a9a27327a530ebd66c0b71ac41b6eb3add4a23d573146b293cf9df238b1eee54236d3f457ca0ad2aa225b6b1e3e *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
1599f4a53070f7b96576caf0d174d6f09cb55ac8dd703407d83c288f9ed687b7 *OpenHashTab_setup.exe
Darthagnon commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much!