namazso / SecureUxTheme

🎨 A secure boot compatible in-memory UxTheme patcher
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[Bug] The window preview (Win + tab) is stretched out the Desktops previews, and breaking few windows previews. #167

Open Glesas opened 9 months ago

Glesas commented 9 months ago

изображение As you can see, the desktop's previews are outstretched (2 monitors of different res.), top half of windows can't go lower, otherwise, they'll cut out (discord app for example, if i'll drag it upper, but he's on lower part), when trying to press on these "windows without previews, but the only names of them", nothing happening, they dont switch to the window you've pressed.

I've tried to install theme un-securely (without restore point, without rebooting after installation of Hooks). I know that the glitches i've encountered is completley on me. But i still curious, how to fix it, did anyone else encountered it, how do i explain this on reddit, how does this issue still persists, if i'm not using theme, and uninstalled hooks and theme. Etc.

Can i delete some file, that SUT is patching, so i'll sfc /scannow, to get the "original, unpatched" file?

OS: Windows 11 22h2 (Build 22621 2134) IoT Enterprise. Used the latest release avaliable of SecureUxTheme (2.2.0) Theme that tried to install: (Dots one).

Steps to potentially reproduce it: Drop theme as normal, open S.U.T as usual, from administrator. In box of "Installation", toggle ON the "Hook SystemSettings, Hook LogonUI, Rename DefaultColors" - Hit install. WITHOUT rebooting, apply theme. Observe the results.

Glesas commented 9 months ago

MIssclick. I wanted to add, that if i'll crate new virtual desktop, the issue would be gone, while the previews are still open. And will re-appear as soon as you'll press win+tab once again