namazso / x86

Pretty x86 instruction reference site generator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Not found VMX Instructions #1

Open gmh5225 opened 2 years ago

gmh5225 commented 2 years ago

HI. not found VMX Instructions likes ‘’. Could you add them? Thank you.

namazso commented 2 years ago

Ah, i see the problem, they live in Volume 3 rather than 2. I'll see what I can do, currently the inkscape part of the script that takes some hours processes all pages and I want to avoid running through all 5000 of the combined SDM

gmh5225 commented 2 years ago

Ah, i see the problem, they live in Volume 3 rather than 2. I'll see what I can do, currently the inkscape part of the script that takes some hours processes all pages and I want to avoid running through all 5000 of the combined SDM

Thanks for the reply, looking forward to the update.

namazso commented 2 years ago

This might take some more effort than expected, the VMX instructions don't contain the instruction name+description in the footer, where I extract them from normally. While this could be fixed for initial pages by simply reading the first text that's big, for the rest of the pages there's no way to tell what instruction they belong to, look at this page for example: page1