namecheap / ssl-whmcs SSL WHMCS Module
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Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in namecheapssl.php on line 2749 #23

Open kochen opened 10 years ago

kochen commented 10 years ago

here is a patch:

kochen commented 10 years ago

be sure to fix the same issue with the same code solution in line 2783 as well.

kochen commented 10 years ago

this issue happens also on the new V1.6.0 update form a few minutes ago: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in modules/addons/namecheap_ssl/namecheap_ssl.php on line 269

kochen commented 10 years ago

and on frontend (login as client): Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in modules/servers/namecheapssl/namecheapapi.php on line 404

kochen commented 10 years ago

vladkNC commented 10 years ago

Hello Kochen,

We've started performing parial refactoring of code for it to match strict standarts, but due to high amount of more prioritable changes that should have been made (fixes of issues blocking functionality, Heartbleed-related issues) we were not able to complete refactoring. It will be completed in next versions.

In order to get rid of such warnings please uncheck 'Display Errors' box in 'Setup' - 'General Settings' in WHMCS admin area:

kochen commented 10 years ago

I know how to disable the errors, that is not the point. we are talking about 4-5 lines of code, which I actually provided the changes needed in a patch to fix the issue (just split the calls). I see no reason to not fix it...

vladkNC commented 10 years ago

I will discuss this with our developer, if this will not take much time - we will release an update.

kochen commented 10 years ago

it took me a few seconds. and like I said I already provided the patch, so just apply it, it'll take even less time...

vladkNC commented 10 years ago


I still need to doublecheck it with developer. He will be in the office within next few hours to check the changes provided by you.

Before releasing anything (even such minor things) we need to get through certain procedure of QA (even if it is just formal).

Thank you for your updates, I will return to you as soon as I have a conversation with dev.

vladkNC commented 10 years ago


Thank you again for your cooperation.

We have added your changes to version 1.6.1.