namecoin / electrum-nmc

Namecoin port of Electrum Bitcoin client.
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Rename "suspended" state to "semi-expired" #304

Closed JeremyRand closed 2 years ago

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

"Suspended" is, in non-Namecoin contexts, sometimes associated with censorship by a 3rd party rather than failure to renew on time. "Semi-expired" avoids the risk that users will incorrectly infer that their name has been censored.

The criteria for the new state name were:

Thanks to (in lexicographic order) Arthur Edelstein, Cyberia Computer Club, Cypherpunks, Cyphrs, Diego Salazar, s7r, Somewhat, and Yanmaani for helping find a better name for this state.

This PR also adds better contextual feedback on the semi-expired state, as per a suggestion from Diego. It also fixes some i18n bugs that I noticed while implementing this PR.

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

@yanmaani @somewhatnmc Feel free to review.

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

@JeremyRand remove all "suspension" what you added to Electrum NMC. Your renaming from suspension to semi-expired in this pull request doesn't change the fact that the domain names stop resolving before expiration!

You had a chance to read and address all issues raised in the comments under but you instead renamed suspension.

You have to remove all what you introduced with which is clearly censorship. No domain should stop resolving before the 36000th block! Period.

cc/ @domob1812

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

Received an ACK from @somewhatnmc on #namecoin. I'll merge if @yanmaani ACKs, or in circa 2 days if he doesn't reply.

@mrpeertopeer I see you're flattering yourself, Zoltan. This PR wasn't a response to your invalid rant or in any way intended to address your bogus criticism, it was a response to a valid concern raised by yanmaani circa 1-2 months ago.

You were given a chance to make your criticism heard some months before suspensions were merged, and your criticism was widely regarded as meritless by everyone who heard it. This decision has been made (with the full agreement of Daniel); you are the only person who's unhappy with it; the decision is not being reversed; I don't want to see any more of your comments about this topic cluttering our issue tracker.

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

@JeremyRand you have stolen from the Namecoin project a few million dollars already, and on top of that, you asked for money from the European Union and the NLNet Foundation. Since you are involved in the Namecoin project, not only me but many others have also been attacked and bullied on all public channels, including now on GitHub. 

You are a scam artist criminal who stole millions of dollars and then merged "suspensions" into Electrum NMC, which will result in NXDOMAIN a month before the domains even expire. 

You are using and the Namecoin Twitter feed as a personal blog, even now on GitHub. You are clearly doxxing because you can't provide a single reasonable response to the questions I posted or the issues I raised. 

Apart from that, I have tried to contribute to this project multiple times and every time I have been attacked the same way you are attacking me now.

You destroyed the Namecoin project with your hostile actions, which resulted in Namecoin's price collapsing multiple times to less than a dollar. 

Neither you, Jeremy Rand nor Daniel Kraft spent a single dollar on Namecoin's promotion. No press release, nothing. You claim you are working on TLS for Namecoin, but that was already supported even before you joined the Namecoin project. 

We can also see on Wikipedia that you bully people with copyright and trademark threats regarding the Namecoin logo, which is clearly in the public domain. You have no right to the Namecoin logo, nor do you have the right to threaten Doxx or in any way attack those who are working with Namecoin. 

Even though you listed @rllola on, who has contributed absolutely nothing to Namecoin, as well as Theymos, who is a well-known criminal, he stole more than 11,000 Bitcoin from the Bitcoin community. 

My suggestion is to stop behaving like a little pussy and revert your pull request with the suspensions you introduced. As a member and long-time user of Namecoin, I have all the right to demand changes both in the software and in any other public resources that belong to the Namecoin project. 

You, @JeremyRand, are a disgrace to the entire Namecoin community, calling my criticism "bogus" while you are spending millions of dollars on what has been provided for this project.

You and @yanmaani threatened me for more than three weeks to make you the founder of the #namecoin channel on Libera Chat, and when I asked you to give me the #namecoin channel on Freenode, you attacked me and gave the channel to @luke-jr, who has nothing to do with Namecoin.

@luke-jr claimed that he was a contributor to Namecoin while he never submitted a single pull request to any Namecoin repository. His claims are totally outrageous since he claims that he has the right to run the #namecoin channel on Freenode because he is a contributor to Bitcoin which is Namecoin's upstream. According to this logic, all open-source projects are under a significant threat since upstream contributors can claim to run and own channels or any other public resources related to forks.

I am going to sue you and Daniel Kraft if you do not reverse your commits to Namecoin NMC and do not immediately show public addresses on the blockchain where the Namecoin project's funds are. You are either going to be held accountable for the millions of dollars you embezzled or you will be jailed. It is that simple.

I also find it outrageous and unacceptable that Daniel Kraft describes himself as a "Chief Namecoin Scientist" and you claim to be a "Lead Application Engineer & Community Organizer." You're a disaster who has indeed contributed to Namecoin's clients, but none of your contributions have been significant. What kind of "community organizer" are you when you freak out on a pull request and start doxxing me when I post legitimate criticism which you brand "bogus?" What kind of community are you leading, Jeremy Rand? The 14 people on Libera Chat? Wow, man, congratulations.

Your recent tweet about merging Taproot into Namecoin is another significant threat to Namecoin.

And just to make it very clear, after that, I made you the founder of the #namecoin channel on Libera Chat, you gave op to @yanmaani, and I have been banned from the channel, so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to oppose your pull request merging suspensions of domain names into Electrum NMC.

Stop pretending you're some kind of victim because you're not, and again, stop treating this project as yours because it is not. I even knew and had a long discussion with David, who was the person who mined the very first .bit domains because, as he said, @vinced hasn't had enough GPU power to do so.

In my opinion, you are an extremely toxic "community organizer" just as @luke-jr deemed toxic to the Bitcoin project by @gavinandresen. You and he are like twins, and it would be better for the Namecoin project without you.

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

Wow, very intelligent discussion on this PR for sure.

utACK 9f0fb4f. Though I think semi_expired_in would be slightly cleaner than semi_expires_in.

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

I'm forking Electrum NMC, and warning people to not download this version by @JeremyRand. This pull request is unacceptable. Stopping resolving domain names before expiration is censorship. You can name it however you want, but this doesn't change the facts about what the merged pull request does.

Did it hurt you? @yanmaani

This happens when an abusive "community organizer" runs the IRC channels, muting and banning people before they can even say something. Do I have to remind you that all discussion about Namecoin is banned?

The hypocrisy that Namecoin stands for free speech and against censorship, yet all IRC discussion about Namecoin is banned is overwhelming, and on top of that, @JeremyRand doxxing on GitHub when someone posts legitimate concerns about censoring domain names before they are even set to expire is absurd.

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

You still haven't explained what's so hard about renewing your domain name before it expires.

Feel free to fork Electrum, I imagine it will go about as well as your attempts to fork Bitcoin.

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

Everyone who registers .bit domains or other data on the Namecoin block chain knows that they should renew the domain before the 36000th block, or approximately every 6 months. 

This pull request, on the other hand, directly censors, bans, and stops resolving domains after only the fifth month, which means that the domain owner must pay three times a year, rather than two,.

This is a serious assault on domain owners just like myself. Don't even think that I'm going to sit back and accept censorship on my domains; and don't even think that Electrum NMC after this will be added to ZeroNet or any of its forks by @rllola; that's not going to happen.

All domains must keep resolving until they expire. Any action or attempt to censor the domains before expiration is unacceptable.

@yanmaani keep your imagination to yourself.

@domob1812: Remove both @JeremyRand and @yanmaani from the Namecoin project, as they are both hostile and their actions clearly contradict everything Namecoin stands for. The Namecoin website should not point to any repository to which @JeremyRand has write access.

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

How is it censorship to have to renew your name once every 7 months, instead of once every 8 months? Two renewals a year will still be adequate.

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

Censorship is stopping resolving domains before expiration.

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

According to whom? What problems does this cause?

mrpeertopeer commented 2 years ago

Don't interfere with domain name resolutions by stopping resolving domain names before their expiration date. At this point, I do not even see any reason why warning users is necessary. This pull request is not a warning since it stops resolving domain names.

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

@domob1812 Can you let me know whether anything in this PR will cause issues downstream for Xaya? I assume Xaya isn't relying on the "suspended" API field yet, but figured I should double check before merging.

domob1812 commented 2 years ago

@JeremyRand It should be fine. Xaya doesn't have expiration at all, so all that code is not there anyway. It might cause conflicts because you are changing deleted code in some places, but those are easy to resolve then.

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

Merged, thanks everyone who helped get semi-expiration into Electrum-NMC. This unblocks the 4.0.0b1 release, and also unblocks important sponsored work. \o/