namecoin / website in Jekyll -- send PR's to beta branch, then merge into master and gh-pages
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"Namecoin is a [blockchain/cryptocurrency]" inconsistency on Reddit #662

Open JeremyRand opened 2 years ago

JeremyRand commented 2 years ago

On , the sidebar states "Namecoin is a blockchain". On , the sidebar instead states "Namecoin is a cryptocurrency". I prefer the www wording, because Namecoin is not intended for use as a cryptocurrency, and I think it's misleading to advertise it as such. Is it okay if I change the old wording to say "blockchain" as www does?

yanmaani commented 2 years ago

Frankly, I'd go with neither. Namecoin is a naming system.

But if you're going to go with one, Namecoin is obviously a cryptocurrency, whether you like it or not. Namecoin isn't a blockchain per se, it just has one.

JeremyRand commented 1 year ago

@yanmaani You do realize that both wordings already say it's a naming system later in the sentence, right? The point of this issue is whether it's desirable to advertise Namecoin as a cryptocurrency; I do not think it is.