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Index Maps / Delta's #49

Closed srush closed 3 years ago

srush commented 3 years ago

I noticed that the conv1d now uses the "index map" style with the \delta function. While this is super convenient for the derivative, I think it makes the standard function a bit harder to read. Is there a way that could be defined in the old-style and then the index map becomes exposed as part of a derivative rule?

davidweichiang commented 3 years ago

Oh, I kind of liked it better this way, but if you want to change it back, I think you could write dU/dX_{seq(i),kern(j),seq*(k)} = \delta(k,i+j-1) and it would serve the same purpose as C.

Somewhat related, you don’t think it would be helpful to define \star for cross-correlation and \ast for convolution?

davidweichiang commented 3 years ago

Like this:

srush commented 3 years ago

This looks good to me. This captures the spirit of the delta contraction without while still allowing for direct indexing on the forward pass.