namedtensor / notation

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Proposal for new LaTeX syntax #66

Open srush opened 3 years ago

srush commented 3 years ago

From @boazbk

"""I think we might want more descriptive command names though, and also ones less likely to conflict with other packages.

How about declaring an axes using a syntax similar to newtheorem

\newaxis{ax} - declares the command \ax that generates axis with name ax

\newaxis{axcmd}[ax] - declare the command \axcmd that generates axis with name ax

And for operators, maybe try to use more like how latex typically does this for things such as \sum, \max, etc..

If you have an operator \op and you want to use it with respect to axis \ax, you just write \op_\ax and in inline mode it will be as a subscript and in display mode as an underset

If you want to declare a new named operator you can do this via \newnamedop or something like that. """