nameko / nameko

Python framework for building microservices
Apache License 2.0
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Missing detailed docs on RPC implementation (integration with other frameworks) #354

Closed izmailoff closed 6 years ago

izmailoff commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to implement support for RPC in my non-nameko service that connects to RabbitMQ (AMQP). I wasn't able to find any description of how RPC exchange should happen.

I can see that Nameko is serializing RPC call to JSON - this is what I receive on subscriber side: {"kwargs": {}, "args": ["test string"]}. I've figured that the queue will be named as 'rpc-' + my_service_name. It seems that there is another exclusive queue created with GUID appended to it's name, which I suppose is used for the response.

Do you have any docs or quick info on how exactly RPC exchange happens? It would save lots of reverse-engineering effort for anyone trying to integrate with nameko.


davidszotten commented 8 years ago


Is this from python or from some other language? For non-nameko python code, nameko ships a "standalone rpc proxy" which may be used to make rpc calls to nameko services

For non-python (or if re-implementing the protocol), the exclusive, guid named queue is, as you guessed, for replies. The caller is responsible for managing its own reply queue (nameko creates one per service on startup), and should pass the name of its reply queue in the reply_to header

izmailoff commented 8 years ago

Hi @davidszotten , thanks for the reply. My "client" is written in Python and uses rpc proxy to call the "server" which has a method annotated with nameko rpc. This works well as they both use nameko. Now I want to replace Python "server" with something else (Scala) which has no support for nameko style rpc. So I want to implement something similar to rpc annotation on the server side. Sorry I was not very clear about that. I'm trying to figure out how to reply back to the "client"/rpc caller side.

Here is what I see being sent to the server (Scala):

{"kwargs": {}, "args": ["encoded string"]}


Envelope(deliveryTag=1, redeliver=false, exchange=nameko-rpc, routingKey=cv_parsing_service.parse)

#contentHeader<basic>(content-type=application/json, content-encoding=utf-8, headers={
delivery-mode=2, priority=0, correlation-id=d7e9065b-d700-4593-b7f4-5c7251c3d375, reply-to=706a0408-5166-4c72-a108-4d4c3bba9ed1, expiration=null, message-id=null, 
timestamp=null, type=null, user-id=null, app-id=null, cluster-id=null)

I also noticed that this queue was created: rpc.reply-standalone_rpc_proxy-706a0408-5166-4c72-a108-4d4c3bba9ed1

I guess if I figure out how to construct this queue name above from the received headers/props and reply back with message (need to set any other props?) I should be done. Are there any other considerations? How do you serialize exceptions?

Thanks a lot

davidszotten commented 8 years ago

If i recall correctly

the request and response bodies are json encoded data. for requests, (this is all a bit python centric for historical reasons) the body is a dict with two keys, args and kwargs meaning what they typically do in a python context (args is a list of unnamed params and kwargs is a dict of named params). i'm pretty sure nameko rpc is kwarg only which makes it easier to evolve apis)

services have queues bound on the nameko-rpc exchange, and should use the routing key <service name>.<method name>

nameko uses a custom header call_id_stack to track the "lineage" of rpc calls (for debugging and other tracing). any nameko hosted service will generate a call_id when handling calls, (<service>.<method>.<uuid>) and push that onto the call ids for any subsequen calls it makes. you can leave this out entirely, though we found it pretty handy. similarly the built-in standalone proxy generates a call id to start this list

the correlation_id is used by the requesting service to multiplex replies on the same queue, to tie replies back to requests. a service should read this and include it with its reply, which it should post to the queue provided as reply_to.

Replies are a dict with two keys, result and error. error is null for succesful calls and contains a dict for errors (result may be null for successfull calls that return nothing). error dict is as per

nameko services ack their only after successfully replying for an "at least once" delivery model

will try to write this up somewhere at some point

izmailoff commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot @davidszotten . This is very useful and clear. I'll try to implement it quickly and will update here.

izmailoff commented 8 years ago

@davidszotten I've got it working, thanks for your help. Here is Wireshark AMQP trace for the part where nameko subscriber/server is already connected and nameko publisher/client is calling the RPC method. This is based on hello world example from README

izmailoff commented 8 years ago
No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
      8 1.663536620                AMQP     117    Basic.Publish x=nameko-rpc rk=greeting_service.hello 

Frame 8: 117 bytes on wire (936 bits), 117 bytes captured (936 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44088 (44088), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 49
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 41
    Class: Basic (60)
    Method: Publish (40)
        [Publish-Number: 1]
        Ticket: 0
        Exchange: nameko-rpc
        Routing-Key: greeting_service.hello
        .... ...1 = Mandatory: True
        .... ..0. = Immediate: False

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
      9 1.663607823                AMQP     286    Content-Header type=application/json 

Frame 9: 286 bytes on wire (2288 bits), 286 bytes captured (2288 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44088 (44088), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 50, Ack: 1, Len: 218
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Content header (2)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 210
    Class ID: Basic (60)
    Weight: 0
    Body size: 40
    Property flags: 0xfe00
        Content-Type: application/json
        Content-Encoding: utf-8
            nameko.call_id_stack (array)
                [0] (string):
        Delivery-Mode: 2
        Priority: 0
        Correlation-Id: ec23013d-1aeb-4a27-8b62-cce6d5b0943b
        Reply-To: 53879dd9-6fd4-46a3-bf1e-4eaa7609b3ea

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     10 1.663625618                AMQP     116    Content-Body 

Frame 10: 116 bytes on wire (928 bits), 116 bytes captured (928 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44088 (44088), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 268, Ack: 1, Len: 48
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Content body (3)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 40
    Payload: 7b2261726773223a205b5d2c20226b7761726773223a207b...

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     12 1.664114170                AMQP     395    

Frame 12: 395 bytes on wire (3160 bits), 395 bytes captured (3160 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44104 (44104), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 327
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    00.. .... = Format: 0
    .... 0001 = Position: ---e (1)
    Type: Control (0)
    Length: 256
    Track: Control (0)
    Channel: 13568
    Class: Unknown (78)
    [Expert Info (Error/Protocol): Unknown command/control class 78]
        [Unknown command/control class 78]
        [Severity level: Error]
        [Group: Protocol]

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     14 1.669652288                AMQP     89     Basic.Ack 

Frame 14: 89 bytes on wire (712 bits), 89 bytes captured (712 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44088 (44088), Seq: 1, Ack: 316, Len: 21
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 13
    Class: Basic (60)
    Method: Ack (80)
        Delivery-Tag: 2
        .... ...0 = Multiple: False

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     19 1.671130325                AMQP     76     Protocol-Header 1-0-9

Frame 19: 76 bytes on wire (608 bits), 76 bytes captured (608 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 8
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Protocol: AMQP
    Protocol ID Major: 1
    Protocol ID Minor: 1
    Version Major: 0
    Version Minor: 9

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     23 1.694175637                AMQP     556    Connection.Start 

Frame 23: 556 bytes on wire (4448 bits), 556 bytes captured (4448 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44106 (44106), Seq: 1, Ack: 9, Len: 488
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 480
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Start (10)
        Version-Major: 0
        Version-Minor: 9
            capabilities (field table)
                publisher_confirms (boolean): true
                exchange_exchange_bindings (boolean): true
                basic.nack (boolean): true
                consumer_cancel_notify (boolean): true
                connection.blocked (boolean): true
                consumer_priorities (boolean): true
                authentication_failure_close (boolean): true
                per_consumer_qos (boolean): true
                direct_reply_to (boolean): true
            cluster_name (string): rabbit@gazella
            copyright (string): Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.
            information (string): Licensed under the MPL.  See
            platform (string): Erlang/OTP
            product (string): RabbitMQ
            version (string): 3.6.3
        Mechanisms: 414d51504c41494e20504c41494e
        Locales: 656e5f5553

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     25 1.694549493                AMQP     248    Connection.Start-Ok 

Frame 25: 248 bytes on wire (1984 bits), 248 bytes captured (1984 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 9, Ack: 489, Len: 180
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 172
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Start-Ok (11)
            product (string): py-amqp
            product_version (string): 1.4.9
            capabilities (field table)
                connection.blocked (boolean): true
                consumer_cancel_notify (boolean): true
        Mechanism: AMQPLAIN
        Response: 054c4f47494e530000000567756573740850415353574f52...
        Locale: en_US

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     26 1.694693554                AMQP     88     Connection.Tune 

Frame 26: 88 bytes on wire (704 bits), 88 bytes captured (704 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44106 (44106), Seq: 489, Ack: 189, Len: 20
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 12
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Tune (30)
        Channel-Max: 0
        Frame-Max: 131072
        Heartbeat: 60

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     27 1.694813859                AMQP     88     Connection.Tune-Ok 

Frame 27: 88 bytes on wire (704 bits), 88 bytes captured (704 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 189, Ack: 509, Len: 20
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 12
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Tune-Ok (31)
        Channel-Max: 65535
        Frame-Max: 131072
        Heartbeat: 0

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     28 1.694856112                AMQP     84     Connection.Open vhost=/ 

Frame 28: 84 bytes on wire (672 bits), 84 bytes captured (672 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 209, Ack: 509, Len: 16
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 8
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Open (40)
        Virtual-Host: /
        .... ...0 = Insist: False

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     30 1.694942196                AMQP     81     Connection.Open-Ok 

Frame 30: 81 bytes on wire (648 bits), 81 bytes captured (648 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44106 (44106), Seq: 509, Ack: 225, Len: 13
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 0
    Length: 5
    Class: Connection (10)
    Method: Open-Ok (41)

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     31 1.695115508                AMQP     81     Channel.Open 

Frame 31: 81 bytes on wire (648 bits), 81 bytes captured (648 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 225, Ack: 522, Len: 13
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 5
    Class: Channel (20)
    Method: Open (10)

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     32 1.695472629                AMQP     84     Channel.Open-Ok 

Frame 32: 84 bytes on wire (672 bits), 84 bytes captured (672 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5672 (5672), Dst Port: 44106 (44106), Seq: 522, Ack: 238, Len: 16
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 8
    Class: Channel (20)
    Method: Open-Ok (11)
        Channel-Id: <MISSING>

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     33 1.695706890                AMQP     131    Basic.Publish x=nameko-rpc rk=53879dd9-6fd4-46a3-bf1e-4eaa7609b3ea 

Frame 33: 131 bytes on wire (1048 bits), 131 bytes captured (1048 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 238, Ack: 538, Len: 63
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Method (1)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 55
    Class: Basic (60)
    Method: Publish (40)
        [Publish-Number: 1]
        Ticket: 0
        Exchange: nameko-rpc
        Routing-Key: 53879dd9-6fd4-46a3-bf1e-4eaa7609b3ea
        .... ...0 = Mandatory: False
        .... ..0. = Immediate: False

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     34 1.695740864                AMQP     156    Content-Header type=application/json 

Frame 34: 156 bytes on wire (1248 bits), 156 bytes captured (1248 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 301, Ack: 538, Len: 88
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Content header (2)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 80
    Class ID: Basic (60)
    Weight: 0
    Body size: 41
    Property flags: 0xfc00
        Content-Type: application/json
        Content-Encoding: utf-8
        Delivery-Mode: 2
        Priority: 0
        Correlation-Id: ec23013d-1aeb-4a27-8b62-cce6d5b0943b

No.     Time           Source                Destination           Protocol Length Info
     36 1.695769214                AMQP     117    Content-Body 

Frame 36: 117 bytes on wire (936 bits), 117 bytes captured (936 bits) on interface 0
Linux cooked capture
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 44106 (44106), Dst Port: 5672 (5672), Seq: 389, Ack: 538, Len: 49
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol
    Type: Content body (3)
    Channel: 1
    Length: 41
    Payload: 7b22726573756c74223a202248656c6c6f2c204d61747421...
izmailoff commented 8 years ago

I'll try to put some code example for whoever might need the same thing. Thanks.

and3rson commented 8 years ago

JFYI: I've made an integration lib for Node.JS (although I'm not a huge Node fan), just for PoC. You can check it out here:

mattbennett commented 7 years ago

@izmailoff, on which platform did you capture this tcpdump trace?

I'm surprised by the frame that couldn't be dissected (Unknown command/control class 78). I've seen this before too, but am not able to reproduce it myself.

izmailoff commented 7 years ago

@mattbennett I used latest Wireshark with latest Fedora at that time (few months old now). If you need the dump files I might still have them.

mattbennett commented 7 years ago

@izmailoff if you can, that would be great. Presumably you tested it with nameko 2.4.2 and the most recent versions of all the downstream dependencies at the time? Was it is a local rabbit broker?

mattbennett commented 7 years ago

I figured this out. The dissector is confused by consumers that are already running when the trace starts. In a longer example, you will see Unknown command/control class messages early in the trace followed by Unknown frame type messages for every basic-deliver to those consumers.

If you start the trace before the service(s) everything looks normal.

izmailoff commented 6 years ago

I wrote a short article on RPC implementation in Nameko. It's not exactly detailed as much as technical docs would be but explains enough to know how it works: Hopefully it will be useful for someone. Pls let know your feedback and if I missed anything if you read it. Cheers.

mattbennett commented 6 years ago

This is awesome, thanks @izmailoff. Looks good. Only thing to note is that we're actually in the process of removing the exclusivity of reply queues. More detail here:

izmailoff commented 6 years ago

thanks @mattbennett for the note on #359 , I'll update the post soon

mattbennett commented 6 years ago

This issue was moved to