Open raiansantos opened 2 months ago
For reference, my vim configuration is
name: 'golint-ci',
filetype: ['go'],
path: 'golangci-lint-langserver',
args: ['-debug'],
initializationOptions: {
"command": ["golangci-lint", "run", "--enable-all", "--disable", "lll", "--out-format", "json", "--issues-exit-code=1"]
debug: v:true
I'm using
There is a validation happening on the filename that is avoiding a very simple setup to work in my vim configuration. Basically the +1 used to index the start of the array at this point is avoiding a further validation to happen and no diagnostic is being sent from the server.
Validated that removing the +1 my issue is gone. I'm not an expert in LSP definitions, so wondering why that validation is there.
The further validations I mentioned is here Because it's continuing, and the first character is being removed no messages are sent back.