namhyung / uftrace

Function graph tracer for C/C++/Rust/Python
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Official web page for uftrace for better accessibility. #1434

Open kangtegong opened 2 years ago

kangtegong commented 2 years ago

Currently there is no official webpage for uftrace (except for slide and man pages). It think we can apply readthedocs like below

or make custom github page for uftrace.

Personally, I think readthedocs is good because it can generate website based on markdowns (or rst files) under doc/ directory.

But if readthedocs invoke lots of changes in uftrace repository or readability is not good enough, custom github page is also fine.

namhyung commented 2 years ago

Sounds good. I'm not familiar with that but current README and manpage should be fine.

@honggyukim what do you think?

honggyukim commented 2 years ago

That will be good. But I hope we can use instead of just like if possible.

Besides that, I think we better move some documents with good quality to our source repo instead of having them in wiki. For example, It's because

  1. we don't really update the documents in our wiki.
  2. documents can be better synced with source changes.
  3. external contributors will likely to contribute as it can be counted in the commit history while wiki update doesn't.
kangtegong commented 2 years ago

I totally agree with @honggyukim :) Thanks.

yskelg commented 1 month ago

We've been planing to add the existing markdown documentation(, uftrace.git/tree/master/doc) to the homepage as sphinx(read the docs, Like the Linux kernel documentation) or mkdocs.

Resources for reference are as follows.

MkDocs Sphinx
Supported Formats Markdown reStructuredText (rST) but with the myst-parser extension supports Markdown
Startup Easy with the command poetry run mkdocs . Simple with the command sphinx-quickstart
Configuration Utilizes a YAML file mkdocs.yml Utilizes a Python file
Layout Elegant and appealing, also navigable Somewhat dated. The Read the Docs theme is iconic
Build Provides a local server to fully test the site. Convenient command poetry run mkdocs serve Generates the site build but the user must then test it in their browser. This is done with make html
Extensions There are many but not all are maintained There are many extensions but the community is less active compared to MkDocs
Customization Infinite possibilities thanks to CSS integration and available themes Decidedly less customizable
Third-party Integration Integration with Confluence with this extension Integration with Confluence with this extension

If we using markdown format when drawing diagrams, We can use mermaid supported by markdown as much as possible.

Markdowned mermaid source code interpreted like this.

graph TD
    A[misc/docker/**/Dockerfile] -->|Get Linux distribution Image| B(Linux distribution)
    B --> |Build Essential Package| C[git clone uftrace]
    C --> |Install Dependency| D[Build & unit test]

Mermaid Live Editor

If you need a table, you can take a table from Excel or a webpage and paste it into Markdown syntax.

yskelg commented 1 month ago

We can also implement the Read the docs by mkdocs.

In my personal opinion, the .md format is more popular than .rst for creating and maintaining websites(Also, We can use mermaid!), and Python is often installed by default on any OS, so I suggest using mkdocs for convenience.

namhyung commented 1 month ago

I don't have any preference.