namidaco / namida

A Beautiful and Feature-rich Music & Video Player with Youtube Support, Built in Flutter
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Strange bug #148

Closed z9xx7o0 closed 2 months ago

z9xx7o0 commented 3 months ago

I don't know if this is related to the previous bug #147, so I was on that queue and removed a track from the playlist with the "Enable reordering" paused for a couple of minutes and came back and that's when #147 happened, anyways when I finished reporting that bug i wanted to continue so I shuffled the same playlist again and when the second song finished the sound of that removed track started playing, I skipped it with my Bluetooth gestures so I couldn't see if it was played or just the sound, so I came back and skipped to the previous track but that removed one wasn't there nor was it in the queue. I don't know if this will ever happen again, but I just wanted to point it out. Log: logs.txt

MSOB7YY commented 3 months ago

this really is weird, i checked the logs and found nothing. removed tracks reflects instantly in the queue, same as shuffling. so playing smth should exactly be in the same order that u see

if u can reproduce it would be better, otherwise this seems so sus for a bug