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[BUG] Selecting tracks that have duplicates #179

Closed z9xx7o0 closed 2 months ago

z9xx7o0 commented 2 months ago

Trying to manually remove duplicate tracks from a playlist.

Expected behaviour

When selecting a track, it should be individually highlighted and selected without its duplicate.

Current Behaviour

1- When selecting a track that has a duplicate, the duplicate is highlighted without it actually being selected.

2- When unselecting the duplicate, the original's highlight gets removed without it being unselected.

3- When reselecting the track, the menu has a ghost track that doesn't exist, but it is being counted.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have a playlist with duplicate tracks

  2. Select one of them by long pressing. The other one gets highlighted without being selected.

  3. Tap on the duplicate to remove the highlight, and the highlight from the original gets removed.

  4. Tap on the original to rehighlight it, which causes the menu to say 2 are selected while only one is selected.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 many times.

  6. The menu will have ghost tracks that don't exist.




Possible Solution