namidaco / namida

A Beautiful and Feature-rich Music & Video Player with Youtube Support, Built in Flutter
1.48k stars 108 forks source link

I get that you like anime but... #218

Closed forbygrace closed 3 weeks ago

forbygrace commented 4 weeks ago

Intended as constructive feedback: The app icon is just a little bit, um, out of character with the rest of the app's caliber, quality, and design. While I think it's a nice picture, I think that it doesn't fit as an app icon. Maybe it could still find it's way into the app somehow without being the central icon image the app is known for? You made a lot of intentional fantastic design choices in this app. The UI and UX are fantastic and there's really a good thing going here. But if anime is not the user's "thing" as in my case, it's a slight turn off I have to admit. A simple graphic would do much better in my humble opinion and keep the app crisp, clean, and polished in every respect. Thanks for all your hard work!

l300lvl commented 4 weeks ago

(disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with app in any way other than being it's fan boi)

As someone that has over 300 apps installed at most times, I understand the frustration, however. It's also a bit nuanced in that any modern user is typically using one of any hundred common launchers which allows you to set your own icon.

If you're using a stock launcher you're really doing your own well being a disservice as most of them were built with a group of people in mind, not an individual. As an individual we choose android because of choice and for that reason, the designers of millions of apps on play store (which this isn't) have way too many choices to make to try and please everyone(which is a hive mentality)

I therefore wish you peace in any resolve, but suggest you check out some launchers that allow for custom icon packs and therefore, changing individual icons.

As an individual I would highly recommend Smart launcher. It makes me warm and fuzzy and has tons of fancy edges too.

Alas, sorry I ranted. Such is the state of living in a free world.

z9xx7o0 commented 4 weeks ago

@forbygrace you can manually change the app icon because this app is OPEN SOURCE, and the picture in the back is located in: storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.msob7y.namida/files/Artworks/ARTWORKS.NAMIDA_DEFAULT_ARTWORK.PNG Where you can also manually change it.

MSOB7YY commented 4 weeks ago

@forbygrace thank you for feedback

  1. icon is opinion based, some like it and others don't i know that
  2. i suck at designing, and i aint paying for a designer to create icon
  3. most apps already have icons that resembles music, there is no really much left for namida to use
  4. i personally prefer the current icon, which means even if there were any other choices, it may be included as optional

so basically its quite not possible to change the icon currently, but may be in future if there were better alternatives

MSOB7YY commented 4 weeks ago

@z9xx7o0 shii chill man its not fully open source so he aint building shi☠️

the artwork in that path is only used as a fallback for notification, that doesnt change the app icon or the other places its used in.

apk tool might be a better option, tho i think it would produce other issues

as @l300lvl mentioned its best to use a launcher that supports changing icon or just get used to it like u get used to many things forced upon you >.<

z9xx7o0 commented 4 weeks ago

@z9xx7o0 shii chill man its not fully open source so he aint building shi☠️

the artwork in that path is only used as a fallback for notification, that doesnt change the app icon or the other places its used in.

apk tool might be a better option, tho i think it would produce other issues

as @l300lvl mentioned its best to use a launcher that supports changing icon or just get used to it like u get used to many things forced upon you >.<

You can tell I never tried changing it XD. I don't care what the icon is or the background is. The app is already amazing.

forbygrace commented 4 weeks ago

I just want to clarify a few things. First: @MSOB7YY you clearly do not suck at designing. You've made a fantastic app and should be proud of it. You don't need to pay someone to make an icon. That much is obvious. You're entitled to prefer the current icon and keep it. That's your choice. But just realize that it really only appeals to those who have the same entertainment media preferences as you. Which is fine if your ok with that.

I knew people were gonna get their panties in a wad over this and say dumb stuff like "if you don't like it change it yourself." Which is totally missing the point of my original post. I could change the icon myself if I wanted to easily but I shouldn't have to. I have concerns with using an alternative launcher since they literally override every android security function.

I feel like I was fairly objective actually in my original statement. I was simply saying it is a bit incongruent with the rest of the app and the function it serves. An icon should be simple representation by default. Those statements are not personal preference, they are statement of fact and a widely accepted UI design principal. If folks wanna anime-ify their phone, I say go for it! That is an example of personal preference. But when an icon becomes something I have to explain to my wife after handing my phone to her and she says "oh, what the heck is that? Are you into anime now?" it just kinda shows it's not that universal. It's not that I'm embarrassed by the situation at all; I'm fine explaining it. And I could change the icon myself, you're right. I'm just trying to provide feedback that might make the app just that extra notch more stellar and universally acceptable. That's all.

Thanks for the awesome app. Throw my feedback in the trash if you want to. It won't hurt my feelings. The app is great even if the icon doesn't quite fit. I'll still use it.

MSOB7YY commented 3 weeks ago

@forbygrace thank you again for understanding, what i meant by designing is like designing icons which im not good at. i had an old icon and it was just "music note" with gradient background. was too boring tbh that's why i want smth new that's not lazily used by almost every other music app.

i get your point that the icon might not match with the rest of the app, but again i want smth unique and catchy, despite strictly following rules. i always do that as seen in the rest of the app too

and ur feedback is totally valid and makes sense, its just that its smth i wanted to do and i wont change it to appeal more people or become universally accepted or etc, hope u understand my pov 🌺

forbygrace commented 3 weeks ago

I do get it. It's not a hideous icon at all. Actually looks quite nice and definitely unique. It matters to you and that's totally ok! Again, thanks for all your hard work.

MSOB7YY commented 3 weeks ago

@forbygrace thank u sm for understanding! 💖

qoished commented 3 days ago

@MSOB7YY personally I love anime! If I take the current icon and try and make her hold a play button would you consider using that?

MSOB7YY commented 1 day ago

@qoished cant say before i see lmao but tbh i like the current one so other alternatives might not get used.. idk