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Weighted sample of quality + period scores composite approach with softmax by Sergiy Pavlyuk #76

Open spavlyuk80 opened 6 days ago

spavlyuk80 commented 6 days ago

Task statement: Improve the selection process for miners, to get the best product possible for the frontend, whilst also making sure we have enough data on each miner to judge them.

Before considering the solutions, let's consider both, validator and miner interests/incentives/constraints.



Both players are interested in maximising score with some constraints in capacity and fairness and more importantly maintaining some randomness.

Design requirements:

Proposed implementation

Use weighted sample approach + softmax (cool feature of this function is the temperature parameter that 'blurs' probabilities and increases non-zero chance of being selected from a random sample). Use available info(average_quality and period_scores) from the last contender records. Quality scores are sticky - so one data point is enough. All contenders start with empty period score in each cycle, thus everyone has the same chances, but things might chance during the cycle. How period score works is explained here

Not technical explanation

we calculate a composite score based on two parameters for each contender: average_quality_score and current cycle period_score

Composite score is calculated as:

Composite score = WEIGHT_QUALITY_SCORE normalised average_quality_score + WEIGHT_PERIOD_SCORE normalised_period_score


Therefore composite score favours quality score with current settings.

In order to increase chances of low score contender to be selected, we calculate probabilities of selection using softmax function with high temperature. Temperature is set by SOFTMAX_TEMPERATURE (current value 2.0) - smoothing parameter for softmax. Temperature of 2.0 effectively increases the chances of low score contender to be selected for query.

Output of softmax is probability of each contender being selected (sum of probabilites = 1).

We then apply weighted sampling to select top_x contenders (current default value = 5, set in select_contenders function arguments.

A combination of softmax and weighted sampling ensures that even the lowest score contender has a chance for being selected for query.

Data requirements

No need for new data and complex feature engineering. Fetch all needed info from the contenders table, augment it with score from stats table. No need for indices as tables are only of len(all contenders), but to be safe return latest from stats table.

Benefits of this approach:

Expected result: somewhat novel and more fair approach to select contenders for query, while ensuring we still collect information from all the contenders.

Further improvements:

Some Notes:

Fixes: #70 seasoning?

spavlyuk80 commented 4 days ago

This solution is perhaps on the right lines, but has a fundamental issue.

I do not want to serve new users to the frontend.

This solution ensures we direct organic requests to the worst miners with non zero probability, which is the opposite of what we want to do. We also use the combined quality score, which is not the right metric as it doens't take into account speed. Normalised net score is the right metric.

Yep, now I see that period score only includes rate limiters. thanks

In regard to the solution. You can control the chance of querying the worst miner by softmax temperature. Thus, the next iteration would be to use the same function for synthetic and organic queries with different temperatures (high for organic, low for synthetic).

spavlyuk80 commented 1 day ago

Fixes discussed above - always prefer to finish tasks)