I think it's closely related to the other two issues: #1 and #9.
When I send Guzzle request with PUT method with the binary data, I get the following exception.
FatalErrorException in CurlFormatter.php line 135:
Error: escapeshellarg(): Input string contains NULL bytes
FYI, I leave a part of the stack trace. I don't think you need all of them.
in CurlFormatter.php line 135
at escapeshellarg() in CurlFormatter.php line 135
at CurlFormatter->extractBodyArgument() in CurlFormatter.php line 218
at CurlFormatter->extractArguments() in CurlFormatter.php line 54
at CurlFormatter->format() in GuzzleCollector.php line 99
at GuzzleCollector->collect() in Profiler.php line 223
I already saw the pull request #17. But I don't think it's a good idea to show binary data. Instead, I suggest you to put them into a file and give curl argument with -d @[filename] if the file is binary.
I think it's closely related to the other two issues: #1 and #9.
When I send Guzzle request with PUT method with the binary data, I get the following exception.
FYI, I leave a part of the stack trace. I don't think you need all of them.
I already saw the pull request #17. But I don't think it's a good idea to show binary data. Instead, I suggest you to put them into a file and give curl argument with
-d @[filename]
if the file is binary.