namsral / multipass

Better authentication for HTTP
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
73 stars 4 forks source link

panic: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused #18

Open slowkow opened 7 years ago

slowkow commented 7 years ago

Expected behavior

In the multipass login form, when I click submit, I expect to receive an email to the address I entered.

Observed behavior

caddy crashes with this error when I click submit:

caddy -conf=/etc/caddy/Caddyfile -log stdout
Activating privacy features... done.
multipass for is initialized
2017/01/19 13:01:11
2017/01/19 13:01:11
WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended. Fix with "ulimit -n 8192".
panic: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

goroutine 21 [running]:
panic(0xbb0c20, 0xc4201dcbe0)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1, 0xc42019fd50)
        /home/caddy/go/src/ +0x27f
created by
        /home/caddy/go/src/ +0x495

Caddyfile: {
  root /var/www/
  multipass {
    resources /
    mail_from "Multipass <>"
namsral commented 7 years ago

Reading the trace, it seems there isn't any SMTP server available on host with port 2525.

panic: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

A nasty panic none the less.

slowkow commented 7 years ago

Could I please ask you to recommend the next steps to get this working? For example, how did you get this working on your own sites?

namsral commented 7 years ago

Since you mentioned Gmail in your examples, the following example uses a gmail account:

multipass {
    resources /authenticaed
    mail_from "Multipass <>"
    smtp_pass   secret

Just replace the myusername and secret credentials with your own.

slowkow commented 7 years ago

Thank you! I appreciate the help. Now I'm starting to remember how the SMTP server is supposed to work again.

I tried the settings you suggested, and this is the error I get now. Do you have any tips to get past this error?

Thanks to your comment, I remember now that I also setup Amazon SES and Mailgun SMTP servers, so I went ahead and tried my Mailgun server and credentials instead of Gmail. However, it gives the same error.

caddy -conf=/etc/caddy/Caddyfile -log stdout
Activating privacy features... done.
multipass for is initialized
2017/01/19 18:25:45
2017/01/19 18:25:45
WARNING: File descriptor limit 1024 is too low for production servers. At least 8192 is recommended. Fix with "ulimit -n 8192".
panic: x509: certificate is valid for ip-123-45-6-789, not localhost

goroutine 21 [running]:
panic(0xbdf3a0, 0xc42006bb80)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1a1, 0xc420193d50)
        /home/caddy/go/src/ +0x27f
created by
        /home/caddy/go/src/ +0x495
namsral commented 7 years ago
panic: x509: certificate is valid for ip-123-45-6-789, not localhost

There is a mismatch in the hostname of the SSL/TLS certificate used for the SMTP connection. And the IP referenced in the error is non-existant, Something is off in your setup.

slowkow commented 7 years ago

Indeed, I manually censored the IP address in the pasted code snippet.

Yes, the conflict is about the mismatch. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any hints about how to resolve this. I was hoping that maybe you might have run into this same error on your servers. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. I'm learning as I go.

For example, is there some way to manually inspect the certificate? Where is it located? Can I modify it? Why don't I run into this type of issue with Apache and only trigger the error with Caddy?

Related issues

This error seems to be related, there are no instructions for resolution:

The gomail package describes this error in the README, but there is no resolution there either:

If you get this error it means the certificate used by the SMTP server is not considered valid by the client running Gomail.


I ran the TLS Sender Test from my server by sending an email to with this script and it worked:

email_text="This is a test message."

curl -s --user 'api:MY_API_KEY' \ \
 -F o:require-tls='true' \
 -F o:skip-verification='false' \
 -F from='K S <>' \
 -F to="$email_to" \
 -F subject="$email_subject" \
 -F text="$email_text"

I got the reply:

Your email was successfully sent securely using TLS.

A transcript of the eMail SMTP session is below:
namsral commented 7 years ago

For example, is there some way to manually inspect the certificate?

Use the openssl cli and connect to the receiving side to inspect the certificate.

Connect the client (gomail) to a SMTP server you control and log the TLS handshake.

The gomail package describes this error in the README

That's a different error regarding self-signed certificates.

What's configured for smtp_addr in your multipass directive?

namsral commented 7 years ago

I use a SMTP client like nullmailer to send emails.

multipass {
    smtp_client /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    mail_from "Multipass <no-reply@dallas>"

This has the advantaged of having the SMTP client handling all the nasties; message queue, fails, retries, etc.

Support for SMTP clients was added in 99ad323, see #11.

slowkow commented 7 years ago

I still get the same error:

panic: x509: certificate is valid for ip-172-30-1-238, not localhost

I tried smtp_client as you suggested, and GMail, and Mailgun. All of them give me the same error.

Here is my Caddyfile: {
  root /var/www/
  multipass {
    resources /

    smtp_client  /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
    mail_from   "Multipass <>"

    #smtp_pass   MAILGUN_PASSWORD

    #smtp_pass   GMAIL_PASSWORD

Notably, I can successfully send myself an email from the server with:

echo "this is a test" | mail -s "testing $(date)"

Thanks for your patience with me on this issue! I appreciate it.

namsral commented 7 years ago

I still get the same error:

Please provide the whole trace.

Are you using a Multipass binary from the releases page?