namtuanly / MTL-TabNet

MTL-TabNet: Multi-task Learning based Model for Image-based Table Recognition
Apache License 2.0
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Something wrong about training #6

Open wu-yz opened 1 year ago

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

Is there a trained model?I want to run a demo.

namtuanly commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

namtuanly commented 1 year ago

Is there a trained model?I want to run a demo.

Yes, we have released the pre-trained models of both FinTabNet and PubtabNet. Please check the pre-trained models and how to run the demo in

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

Is there a trained model?I want to run a demo.

Yes, we have released the pre-trained models of both FinTabNet and PubtabNet. Please check the pre-trained models and how to run the demo in

Thank you very much for replying!

namtuanly commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

After running "",I find the several folders were empty.Is there anything wrong with fintabnet datasets?

namtuanly commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

After running "",I find the several folders were empty.Is there anything wrong with fintabnet datasets?

I think you have some problems when preparing the jsonl file of FinTabNet. This jsonl file is the same as the one of PubTabNet. I will publicize the jsonl as well as the table images of FinTabNet and let you know soon.

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

After running "",I find the several folders were empty.Is there anything wrong with fintabnet datasets?

I think you have some problems when preparing the jsonl file of FinTabNet. This jsonl file is the same as the one of PubTabNet. I will publicize the jsonl as well as the table images of FinTabNet and let you know soon.

Thank you so much!

namtuanly commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

After running "",I find the several folders were empty.Is there anything wrong with fintabnet datasets?

I think you have some problems when preparing the jsonl file of FinTabNet. This jsonl file is the same as the one of PubTabNet. I will publicize the jsonl as well as the table images of FinTabNet and let you know soon.

I upload the Python script for extracting table images and making the annotation file (like PubTabNet) from FInTabNet dataset. After that, you can run "" to prepare the training dataset for FinTabNet.

wu-yz commented 1 year ago

When running: sh ./table_recognition/expr/ AssertionError: OCRFinTabDataset: TableHardDiskLoader: /datasets/mmocr_fintabnet_recognition_0726_train/StructureLabelAddEmptyBbox_train/ is not exist How can I deal with this problem?

Did you prepare the training data for FinTabNet? You need to run "" to prepare the training data for FinTabNet.

Yes,I did.But the mistake still appeared.I'll try it again.

Can you show the whole error message, then I will try to check the reason.

After running "",I find the several folders were empty.Is there anything wrong with fintabnet datasets?

I think you have some problems when preparing the jsonl file of FinTabNet. This jsonl file is the same as the one of PubTabNet. I will publicize the jsonl as well as the table images of FinTabNet and let you know soon.

I upload the Python script for extracting table images and making the annotation file (like PubTabNet) from FInTabNet dataset. After that, you can run "" to prepare the training dataset for FinTabNet.

OK,I'll give another try.It is appreciated for answering my question in your busy time.

vkrtsind commented 10 months ago

Is there a trained model?I want to run a demo.

Yes, we have released the pre-trained models of both FinTabNet and PubtabNet. Please check the pre-trained models and how to run the demo in

Thank you very much for replying!

vkrtsind commented 10 months ago

While running on CPU Machine - python Facing ERROR -

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 6, in from mmdet.apis import init_detector File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/apis/", line 2, in from .det_inferencer import DetInferencer File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/apis/", line 22, in from mmdet.evaluation import INSTANCE_OFFSET File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/evaluation/", line 4, in from .metrics import * # noqa: F401,F403 File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/evaluation/metrics/", line 5, in from .coco_metric import CocoMetric File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/evaluation/metrics/", line 16, in from mmdet.datasets.api_wrappers import COCO, COCOeval, COCOevalMP File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/datasets/", line 31, in from .utils import get_loading_pipeline File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/datasets/", line 5, in from mmdet.datasets.transforms import LoadAnnotations, LoadPanopticAnnotations File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/datasets/transforms/", line 6, in from .formatting import (ImageToTensor, PackDetInputs, PackReIDInputs, File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/datasets/transforms/", line 11, in from mmdet.structures.bbox import BaseBoxes File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/structures/bbox/", line 2, in from .base_boxes import BaseBoxes File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/structures/bbox/", line 9, in from mmdet.structures.mask.structures import BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/structures/mask/", line 3, in from .structures import (BaseInstanceMasks, BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks, File "/home/n14688/mmdetection/mmdet/structures/mask/", line 12, in from mmcv.ops.roi_align import roi_align File "/home/n14688/anaconda3/envs/MTL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/ops/", line 2, in from .active_rotated_filter import active_rotated_filter File "/home/n14688/anaconda3/envs/MTL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/ops/", line 10, in ext_module = ext_loader.load_ext( File "/home/n14688/anaconda3/envs/MTL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 13, in load_ext ext = importlib.import_module('mmcv.' + name) File "/home/n14688/anaconda3/envs/MTL/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) ImportError: /home/n14688/anaconda3/envs/MTL/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/ undefined symbol: _ZNK2at6Tensor6narrowElll (MTL) n14688@n14688:~/MTL-TabNet/table_r

vkrtsind commented 10 months ago

Can we on CPU machine ?