nanawei11 / Secuer

A clustering method for scRNA-seq data
MIT License
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cdist_euclidean(): incompatible function arguments #2

Open markddesimone opened 1 year ago

markddesimone commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have installed seceur:

pip install secuer==1.0.7

I am accessing seceur directly within python using scanpy

import argparse
from asyncio.log import logger
from pathlib import Path
import sys
#! /usr/secuer_console/env python
import logging,os
import scanpy as sc
from nbformat import read
import sys
from secuer.secuer import (secuer, Read)
from secuer.secuerconsensus import secuerconsensus
version = '1.0.7'
import yaml
import numpy as np

My obsm['X_pca'] is:

(numpy.ndarray, (95508, 10), numpy.float32)

I am using all default arguments according to

I call:

res = secuer(fea=ad_immune_hvg.obsm['X_pca'],
            distance='euclidean', # the default Choose one from [cosine,euclidean,L1,sqeuclidean]
            p=1000, # the default
            Knn=7, # the default
            clusterMethod = "Kmeans", # the default
            eskMethod = 'subGraph', # the default
            eskResolution= 0.8, # the default
            gapth= 4 # the default

and get the following error:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [49], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 res = secuer(fea=ad_immune_hvg.obsm['X_pca'],
      2             distance='euclidean', # the default Choose one from [cosine,euclidean,L1,sqeuclidean]
      3             p=1000, # the default
      4             Knn=7, # the default
      5             clusterMethod = "Kmeans", # the default
      6             mode='secuer',
      7             eskMethod = 'subGraph', # the default
      8             eskResolution= 0.8, # the default
      9             gapth= 4 # the default
     10             )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/scvi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/secuer/, in secuer(fea, Ks, distance, p, Knn, mode, eskMethod, eskResolution, addweights, seed, gapth, clusterMethod, maxTcutKmIters, cntTcutKmReps)
    269     p = N
    270 # print(p)
    271 # Get $p$ representatives by hybrid selection
--> 272 RpFea = getRepresentativesByHybridSelection(fea, p,seed=seed)
    273 # Approx.KNN
    274 # 1.partition RpFea into $cntRepCls$ rep - clusters
    275 cntRepCls = int(p ** 0.5)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/scvi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/secuer/, in getRepresentativesByHybridSelection(fea, pSize, cntTimes, seed)
    132 selectIdxs = np.random.choice(N, bigPSize, replace=False)
    133 bigRpFea = fea[selectIdxs, :]
--> 134 label, RpFea = fast_kmeans_scipy(bigRpFea, pSize)  # max_iter=20
    135 return RpFea

File ~/miniconda3/envs/scvi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/secuer/, in fast_kmeans_scipy(ds, k, max_iter)
    103     np.random.seed(2)
    104     cores = ds[np.random.choice(m, k, replace=False)]
--> 105 distance = pdist2_fast(ds, cores)
    106 index_min = np.argmin(distance, axis=1)
    107 if (index_min == result).all():

File ~/miniconda3/envs/scvi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/secuer/, in pdist2_fast(A, B, metric)
     78     res = spatial.distance.cdist(A, B, metric='sqeuclidean', p=None, V=None,
     79                                  VI=None, w=None)
     80 elif metric == 'euclidean':
---> 81     res = spatial.distance.cdist(A, B, metric='euclidean', p=None, V=None,
     82                                  VI=None, w=None)
     83 elif metric == 'cosine':
     84     res = spatial.distance.cdist(A, B, metric='cosine', p=None, V=None,
     85                                  VI=None, w=None)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/scvi/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/spatial/, in cdist(XA, XB, metric, out, **kwargs)
   2945 if metric_info is not None:
   2946     cdist_fn = metric_info.cdist_func
-> 2947     return cdist_fn(XA, XB, out=out, **kwargs)
   2948 elif mstr.startswith("test_"):
   2949     metric_info = _TEST_METRICS.get(mstr, None)

TypeError: cdist_euclidean(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
    1. (x: object, y: object, w: object = None, out: object = None) -> numpy.ndarray

Invoked with: array([[  0.03155095,   4.260019  ,   2.0927727 , ...,   0.9246686 ,
         -0.5397982 ,  -0.6922387 ],
       [ -3.6273153 ,  10.502384  , -10.331585  , ...,  -1.1306865 ,
          0.7746241 ,   0.8274168 ],
       [ -5.904729  ,  -4.674787  ,  -9.735858  , ...,  -2.6395223 ,
         -1.7508732 ,  -0.1758273 ],
       [ -3.0690632 ,  15.256313  ,  -3.7930858 , ...,  -0.557966  ,
         -0.5148894 ,  -0.37545112],
       [ -5.9273777 ,  -6.873936  ,  -6.7084894 , ...,   0.10121324,
         -2.7390177 ,   1.9388249 ],
       [ -4.7158155 ,  -3.6951177 ,   2.3196702 , ...,   1.076768  ,
         -0.7680586 ,  -0.67869115]], dtype=float32), array([[-6.3690352 , -4.0439634 , -1.1792709 , ...,  2.8127804 ,
        -0.41033325,  6.686249  ],
       [-4.9619193 , -4.2328386 ,  3.9679842 , ..., -0.9509096 ,
        -1.2732543 , -2.903853  ],
       [-5.1366343 , -5.346841  , -8.082489  , ...,  3.5610423 ,
        -0.79585856, -1.8859336 ],
       [29.654089  ,  1.616171  ,  3.1877525 , ...,  1.9512532 ,
        -1.8307321 , -3.1559658 ],
       [-1.3134623 , 23.82341   ,  6.640727  , ...,  2.8947234 ,
        -1.6096454 , -0.28302294],
       [-5.373455  , -2.628137  ,  4.104837  , ..., -0.4534434 ,
         1.1465974 , -0.73796725]], dtype=float32); kwargs: out=None, p=None, V=None, VI=None, w=None

how to resolve? thank you

nanawei11 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for your feedback. This issue is due to an upgrade to the function scipy.spatial.distance.cdist in Python. We have uploaded the newest version to You can also find it at

Here is an example:

from secuer.secuer import secuer
from secuer.secuerconsensus import secuerconsensus
import scanpy as sc
data ='./data/Biase_pca.h5ad')
res = secuer(fea= fea,
res = secuerconsensus(fea= fea,
    obs: 'celltype', 'n_genes_by_counts', 'total_counts', 'total_counts_ercc', 'pct_counts_ercc'
    var: 'dropouts', 'highly_variable', 'means', 'dispersions', 'dispersions_norm', 'mean', 'std', 'ercc', 'n_cells_by_counts', 'mean_counts', 'pct_dropout_by_counts', 'total_counts'
    uns: 'hvg', 'log1p', 'pca'
    obsm: 'X_pca'
    varm: 'PCs'

[2022-11-04 19:05:15] [INFO] Selecting representatives...
[2022-11-04 19:05:15] [INFO] Approximate KNN...
[2022-11-04 19:05:15] [INFO] Estimating the number of clustering...
[2022-11-04 19:05:15] [INFO] Bipartite graph partitioning...

[2022-11-04 19:05:51] [INFO] Running secuer 1
[2022-11-04 19:05:51] [INFO] Running secuer 2
[2022-11-04 19:05:51] [INFO] Running secuer 4
[2022-11-04 19:05:51] [INFO] Running secuer 3
[2022-11-04 19:05:51] [INFO] Running secuer 5
markddesimone commented 1 year ago

Thank you for providing the update and for your prompt response, it works now