nand2tetris / web-ide

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Change VM emulator to load from local file system #294

Closed netalondon closed 3 weeks ago

netalondon commented 1 month ago

So the only way to get VM files is to upload them via drag and drop?

We still have a file picker, but for the local file system instead of local storage. If you have any reservations we can further discuss this with Shimon.

DavidSouther commented 1 month ago

I was asking as a user guide question, not pushing back. How does this change the feature set? You can now only load local files?

Does your ideas for implementation change at all if we do the FileSystemAccess route instead?

netalondon commented 1 month ago

How does this change the feature set? You can now only load local files?


Does your ideas for implementation change at all if we do the FileSystemAccess route instead?

Checking this with Shimon