nand2tetris / web-ide

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Stub file input and out pins in the head of chip definition don't match with chip requirement[bug]: #326

Open ananth521 opened 1 month ago

ananth521 commented 1 month ago




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Stub file input and out pins in the head of chip definition don't match with chip requirement.

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DavidSouther commented 1 month ago

Could you help us out and let us know which chip and project you're looking at?

ananth521 commented 1 month ago

In project1, in online editor, the stub file in and out definitions does not match with chip requirement. I had to download project1 files from software suite and replace the stub file in online editor with those downloaded from software suite. Not a big issue but it is what i have observed. Thein and out definitions stay the same in online editor, whatever the Chip selection is, from the drop down list.

DavidSouther commented 1 month ago

First, please reset the project files from the settings menu:

  1. image
  2. image

Then, please confirm which chips and pins, specifically, are you seeing a difference between the book and the web ide?

Note that some files did change between the desktop "Projects" package and the web ide, however, the changes should be purely cosmetic. For example, in the projects download for the desktop edition, the given And chip has this stub:

// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/01/And.hdl

 * And gate: 
 * out = 1 if (a == 1 and b == 1)
 *       0 otherwise

CHIP And {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    // Put your code here:

Which in the web IDE has been streamlined and updated to

 * And gate: out = 1 if {a==1 and b==1}, 0 otherwise
 * And gate: if {a==1 and b==1} then out = 1 else out = 0

CHIP And {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;


Which aligns with Appendix 4 from the second edition of the book
