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[bug]: Address width should be 15 in RAM16K #378

Closed Shimogawa closed 1 week ago

Shimogawa commented 1 week ago


Hardware Simulator


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What happened?

The width of the address input here should be 15 instead of 14.

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netalondon commented 1 week ago

Hi, thanks for taking the time to engage with the IDE and report this!

However, based on the book, the correct address width here is indeed 14. Generally, the address width will be log2(n) where n is the RAM size.

Here is the relevant slide from the lectures: Screenshot from 2024-06-14 09-09-21

Please reopen this if you feel anything is lacking in my response

Shimogawa commented 1 week ago

Oops, thanks for pointing that out. I think I have mistaken it as 32K. Sorry about this.