nandaja / androiddummy

My Android applications !
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Instagram Popular Photos App - Week #1 assignment #2

Open nandaja opened 9 years ago

nandaja commented 9 years ago

@codepathreview @codepath

My Instagram Popular Photos App (Refer is complete with all required & few of the suggested features.

I had some questions : -

1) I see that the emulator loses internet connectivity intermittently though I have the permissions configured appropriately. Restarting the emulator seems to get rid of the transient error in certain run cycles. Is this expected ? 2) I attempted the dialog fragment to display comments - however, it does not look very good - is there any out of the box styling tips you could suggest to make it look presentable ? 3) I see that the instagram API returns at the most 20 images - how do I implement an infinite scroll on the app ? Any pointers would be very helpful.

nesquena commented 9 years ago

:+1: Looks good overall. I have provided a detailed Project 1 Feedback Guide here which covers the most common issues with this submitted project. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine how you could improve your submission. You should consider going back and implementing applicable feedback as well. Keep in mind that one of the most important parts of Android development is learning the correct patterns and conventions.

Hopefully this has given you a first sense of the RelativeLayout which is a very powerful layout system, probably one of the best responsive-first layout systems available across web and mobile platforms. This project also incorporates first introductions to basic networking, image loading and more complex feeds.

I would encourage you to also spend more time in future assignments improving the UI / UX as well by reviewing examples of good UI design.

The next assignment will build on top of the first concepts introduced here and will introduce several new topics.

If you have any particular questions about the assignment in general or on any of the feedback, feel free to reply here or email me directly.

nesquena commented 9 years ago

1) I see that the emulator loses internet connectivity intermittently though I have the permissions configured appropriately. Restarting the emulator seems to get rid of the transient error in certain run cycles. Is this expected ?

This can happen sometimes with the official emulator. You may want to use a device if you have one or install a better emulator

2) I attempted the dialog fragment to display comments - however, it does not look very good - is there any out of the box styling tips you could suggest to make it look presentable ?

Add padding around things helps, adding a border can help. In general just steal from other apps. If you can't figure out how to replicate something just ask or check the styling FAQ linked above.

3) I see that the instagram API returns at the most 20 images - how do I implement an infinite scroll on the app ? Any pointers would be very helpful.

Check pagination keys and the endless scrolling guide. Don't worry we will be covering this in the next assignment!