nandorojo / moti

🐼 The React Native (+ Web) animation library, powered by Reanimated 3.
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Issue with 2 different transitions on same component #172

Closed MaganAnkur closed 2 years ago

MaganAnkur commented 2 years ago

Thanks for such a great library.

I am facing an issue where in there are two different transitions happening on 2 diff components but seems like one component animation stops working when other transition hits.


<MapboxGL.MarkerView id="1" coordinate={[-899.664062, 933.769859]}>
          <View style={tailwind('justify-center items-center flex-1')}>
            <View style={dotStyle}>
              {[...Array(1).keys()].map(index => {
                return (
                    from={{opacity: 0.7, scale: 1}}
                    animate={{opacity: 0, scale: 2}}
                      type: 'timing',
                      duration: 1500,
                      easing: Easing.out(Easing.ease),
                      loop: true,
                      repeatReverse: false,


 <Pressable onPress={onPress}>
      <View style={tailwind('items-center justify-center')}>
        {/* Track */}
          animate={{backgroundColor: isActive ? activeColor : inAcitveColor}}
              width: trackWidth,
              height: trackHeight,
              borderRadius: trackHeight / 2,
              backgroundColor: activeColor,
          {/* Text Container */}
              translateX: isActive ? trackWidth / 50 : -trackWidth / 3.2,
              tailwind('self-end justify-center items-center'),
                width: size * 1.3,
                height: trackHeight,
                borderRadius: trackHeight / 2,
                flexDirection: 'row',
            {isActive ? <Online></Online> : <Offline></Offline>}
              style={tailwind('text-white font-RobotoMedium text-base ml-2')}>
              {isActive ? 'Online' : 'Offline'}
        {/* Knob */}
            translateX: isActive ? -trackWidth / 3.5 : trackWidth / 3.5,
            tailwind('justify-center items-center bg-white rounded-full'),
            {width: knobSize, height: knobSize},

If you notice user location animation is working as expected but as soon as I toggle the switch it stops animating,

Is it something to do with parallel transition, if yes can somebody pls suggest me how to do it.

Thanks in advance.

cc : @nandorojo

usamaabutt commented 2 years ago

I have the same sort of issue +1

nandorojo commented 2 years ago

I need a better reproduction than this to investigate. I think rerenders can cause loop: true to mess up with reanimated, so consider memoizing your components by wrapping them with useMemo or React.memo. Also, I don't know why you're creating an array with one item and mapping over that in your first component.

MaganAnkur commented 2 years ago

I need a better reproduction than this to investigate. I think rerenders can cause loop: true to mess up with reanimated, so consider memoizing your components by wrapping them with useMemo or React.memo. Also, I don't know why you're creating an array with one item and mapping over that in your first component.

@nandorojo Thanks for your response.

I wrapped Marker component in useMemo and it started working as expected and about an array with one item thats by mistake I was trying something and forgot to remove.

Closing this.