nandorojo / moti

🐼 The React Native (+ Web) animation library, powered by Reanimated 3.
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HOC MotiPressable error typescript #307

Closed lobor closed 10 months ago

lobor commented 10 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Do you want this issue prioritized?

Current Behavior


Exported variable 'ButtonFrame' has or is using name 'DecayConfig' from external module "/srv/crossed/node_modules/.pnpm/react-native-reanimated@3.4.2_6syixf76bqx5r4tgwtwyqyssoi/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/lib/typescript/reanimated2/animation/decay" but cannot be named.
export const styled = <
  P extends Record<string, any> = {},
  T extends ConfigSchema<P> = {}
  Component: ComponentType<P> & { styles?: any },
  themeConfigProps: ConfigSchemaTheme<P, T>
) => {

Expected Behavior

I want extends props off MotiPressable, if you replace by simple Pressable, this work

Steps To Reproduce

I use pnpm@7

git clone cd ./crossed pnpm i pnpm watch Build not work because type checking error, but pnpm watch ignores it

open file packages/ui/src/forms/Button.tsx and see error on line 34 styled function is in packages/core/src/styled.tsx


- Moti: 0.26.0
- Reanimated: 3.4.2
- React Native: 0.72.3


No response


I use pnpm@7

repo project

git clone cd ./crossed pnpm i pnpm watch Build not work because type checking error, but pnpm watch ignores it

open file packages/ui/src/forms/Button.tsx and see error on line 34 styled function is in packages/core/src/styled.tsx

lobor commented 10 months ago

I close this issue simple add

export type * as Moti from 'moti';
export type * as RnR from 'react-native-reanimated';

fix problem